① To horse around 意思是闹着玩儿,嬉戏玩耍。
例句: During the school holidays there was no peace in the house. Johnny and Annie horsed around all day, every day.
②我们可以对行为言语盛气凌人、趾高气扬、摆大架子的人说 get off your high horse, get down off your high horse 或 come off your high horse.
例句: Stop criticising everyone! You should get down off your high horse and admit that you aren’t perfect either!
③ You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.这是一个比喻性短语,字面意思是你能把马牵到河边,但你不能强迫马饮水,实际的意思是你能为别人提供学习或做事情的机会,但是不能强迫他们接受或把握这个机会。
例句:I gave him the email address of the person in charge of recruitment but he still didn’t contact the person about the job. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
Park(公园), Hi-fi shop(音响商店), Dump(垃圾场), Skate park(滑冰场), Scrap yard(废品回收站), Quay(码头)。
之后,家长提出问题,如图上方所示:Starting at the scrap yard, go to the cinema, meeting friends at the skate park first. You can only use 5 sections of road.(请从废品回收站出发,先在滑冰场和朋友碰面,之后再一起去电影院,只能走 5段路,有几种方式呢?试一试吧。)
Boy:Who is it? (谁呀?)
Girl: Guess! (你猜猜看。)
Girl: He is wearing big yellow trousers.(他穿着肥肥的黄色裤子。)
Girl: He is wearing long green socks.(他穿着绿色的袜子。)
Girl: He has green hair.(他的头发是绿色的。)
Girl: He has red hands.(他的手是红色的。)
Girl: He has a big red nose.(他有一个大红鼻子)
Boy: I don’t know.(还是猜不着。)
Clown: Happy Birthday!(生日快乐!)
Boy: Ahhh. It is a clown. Hello.(啊,是小丑啊,你好!)