Perfluorinated compounds(PFCs) are of particular concern to environmental regulators and the public because of their global distribution, environmental persistence, and po-tential risk to humans and ecosystems. However, data on the ecotoxicity of PFCs are still limited. This monogragh systematically summames the occurrence and ecotoxicology of PFCs in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Then the typical PFCs are selected for ecotoxicity study. The carbon chain length and functional groups of PFCs, the typeof organism, and the properties of the environment have great impacts on the ecotoxic-
ity of PFCs. In addition, the coexistence of other pollutants may also interact with PF-Cs. Finally, the gaps in knowledge are identified and possible future research per-spectives are proposed. These results are expected to provide more comprehensive in-formation on the ecotoxicity of PFCs in the environment.