Table of Contents
Chapter I Introduction: The Gold Mountain Dreams
1.The Dream Concept
2.Thesis Statement
3.Need for the Study
4.Goals of the Study
5.Theoretical Approaches
6.Research Methodology
7.Introduction to Chapters
Chapter II The Dreams of the "Yellow Peril" in Maxine Hong Kingston's China Men
2.Breaking Silence and Finding a Voice: Great Grandfather's Dream in the Sandalwood Mountains
3.Resisting Capitalist Exploitation and Racial Violence: Grandfather's Dream of the Sierra Nevada Mountains
4.Struggling in Business: Father's Dreams of Running a Business in Eastern and Western United States
5.Countering Racism and Patriarchy: MaMa Holding Half the Sky for the Family Dream
6.Reasserting Masculinity: Three Generations of Men in China Men
7.Critiquing Sexism and Recovering China Men's Manhood: Daughter-Narrator in China Men
8.Bridging Races, Cultures, and Nations: The,Brother in Vietnam
Chapter III The Dreams of"The Model Minority Family" in Foe Myenne Ng's Bone
1.Introduction 93
2.The Failed Promise of a "Paper Son": Leon's Dream and Grandpa Leong's Bones
3.The "Fallen Woman": Mah's Dream in a "Marriage of Toil"
4.Nothing but Daughters" in a "Failed Family": Leila and Her Half-Sisters
Chapter IV The Dream of "The Professional Middle Class" Family in Gish Jen's Typical American
2.A "Self-Made Man": Ralph Chang's Dream for Upward Mobility
3.A Quiet "Counterweight" to a "Fixed Center":Helen's Dream for Freedom against Her Sexist Husband
4.A "Misfit": Theresa as a Nonconformist for Bridging Cultures
Chapter V Conclusion: Dreams for the Future
1.Summary of Chapters
2.Implications of the Research
3.Suggestions for Future Research
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