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第一章 中医药的起源与理论形成/ 3

一、神农与百草 /5

二、伏羲与八卦/ 6

三、《诗经》里的中医药 /7

四、中医理论基石——《黄帝内经》/ 8

五、第一部药学专著——《神农本草经》/ 9

六、中医理论的津梁之作——《难经》/ 10

第二章 秦汉、两晋、南北朝时期

—— 中医药医疗实践与学术整理/ 11

一、神医扁鹊/ 13

二、淳于意与古代医案 /14

三、外科鼻祖华佗与麻沸散 /15

四、医圣张仲景与《伤寒杂病论》/ 16

五、道教医学家——葛洪/ 17

六、皇甫谧与世界最早的针灸专著《针灸甲乙经》/ 18

七、王叔和与《脉经》/ 19

八、山中宰相——名医陶弘景 /20

九、雷敩与《雷公炮炙论》/ 21

Contents Chapter 1 Origin and Theoretical Formationof Traditional Chinese Medicine /77

I Shennong and All Kinds of Plants /79

II Fuxi and Bagua (Eight Trigrams)/ 81

III TCM in The Book of Songs/ 83

IV The Cornerstone of TCM Theory—Huangdi's Cannan of Inner Classic/ 85

V The First Pharmacology Monograph—Shennong’s Classic of Materia Medica /87

VI The Guiding Work of TCM Theory—Classic of Questioning /89

Chapter 2 Qin, Han, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties—TCM Clinical Practice and Academic Collation/ 91

I The Magic Doctor Bian Que/ 93

II Chunyu Yi and Ancient Medical Records /95

III The Originator of Surgery Hua Tuoand Powder for Anesthesia/ 97

IV The Medical Saint Zhang Zhongjing andTreatise on Cold Pathogenic andMiscellaneous Diseases/ 99

V A Taoist and Medical Scientist—Ge Hong 101

VI Huangfu Mi and the World’s EarliestAcupuncture Monograph A-B Classicof Acupuncture and Moxibustion /103

VII Wang Shuhe and Pulse Classic 105

VIII The Prime Minister Living in Seclusion andFamous Doctor —Tao Hongjing /107

IX Lei Xiao and Master Lei’s Discourseon Drug Processing /109

第三章 隋唐时期—— 中医药多元发展 /23

一、最早的国家医学院——太医署 /25

二、第一部病因证候专著——《诸病源候论》/ 26

三、药王孙思邈与《千金方》/ 27

四、政府颁布的第一部药典——《新修本草》/ 28

五、藏医学集大成之作——《四部医典》 /29

六、蔺道人与中医骨伤科巨著《仙授理伤续断秘方》 /30

七、王焘与《外台秘要》/ 31

第四章 宋金元时期—— 中医药争鸣与成就/ 33

一、宋代校正医书局的创办 /35

二、《太平圣惠方》的成就与价值/ 36

三、王惟一与针灸铜人/ 37

四、第一部中医儿科专著——《小儿药证直诀》/ 38


六、宋慈与法医学大成《洗冤集录》 /40

七、金元四大家 /41

八、蒙古族营养学家——忽思慧 /42

Chapter 3 Sui and Tang Dynasties—Diversified Development of TCM /111

I The Earliest National Medical School—Imperial Medical Academy /113

II The First Monograph on Etiology and

Syndromes—General Treatise on Causesand Manifestations of All Diseases /115

III The King of Medicine Sun Simiao and RecipesWorth A Thousand Gold Pieces /117

IV The First Pharmacopeia Issued by the Government—Newly Revised Materia Medica/ 119

V A Masterpiece of Tibetan Medicine—Four Medical Tantras/ 121

VI Lin Daoren and the Great Work of TCMOrthopedics and Traumatology Secrets ofTreating Wounds and Bonesetting /123

VII Wang Tao and Arcane Essentials from theImperial Library/ 125

Chapter 4 Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties—Academic Contending andAchievements of TCM /127

I The Establishment of Medical LiteratureCorrection Bureau in Song Dynasty/ 129

II The Achievements and Values of Taiping HolyPrescriptions for Universal Relief /131

III Wang Weiyi and Bronze Acupuncture Figure 133

IV The First Monograph on Pediatrics of TCM—Key to Therapeutics of Children’sDiseases /135

V New Knowledge of Anatomy—Ou Xifan’s Drawing of Five Zang Organsand Vivid Drawings of the Body /137

VI Song Ci and His Great Achievement ofForensic Medicine Record for Vindication /139

VII The Four Famous Medical Schools inJin and Yuan Dynasties /141

VIII Mongolian Nutritionist—Hu Sihui /143

第五章 明清时期—— 中医药的鼎盛与革新/ 43

一、集大成的医方巨著——《普济方》 /45

二、人痘接种预防天花 /46


四、吴又可《温疫论》与传染病理论革新/ 49

五、陈实功与《外科正宗》/ 50

六、眼科专著《银海精微》的出色成就/ 51

七、承前启后的《针灸大成》/ 52

八、温病学说大家——叶天士/ 53

九、吴鞠通与《温病条辨》/ 54

十、最权威的中医学教科书——《医宗金鉴》/ 55

十一、外治宗师——吴尚先/ 56

十二、孟河丁氏与近代中医教育/ 57

十三、第一部综合性中医药词典——《中国医学大词典》/ 58

十四、中西医结合的先行者——张锡纯/ 59

第六章 中医药的新生与辉煌/ 61

一、毛泽东主席关心中医药/ 63

二、用科学的方法研究中医——中医研究院成立 /65

三、中医药工作进入自立发展新时期——国家中医管理局成立 /67

Chapter 5 Ming and Qing Dynasties—Prosperity and Innovation of TCM/ 145

I A Masterpiece of Medical Prescription—Prescriptions for Universal Relief/ 147

II Vaccination against Smallpox /149

III Li Shizhen and The Grand Compendiumof Materia Medica /151

IV Wu Youke’s Treatise on Pestilence and theInnovation of Infectious Disease Theory 153

V Chen Shigong and Orthodox Manualof External Diseases/ 155

VI Outstanding Achievements of OphthalmologyMonograph Essence on the Silvery Sea/ 157

VII The Grand Compendium of Acupunctureand Moxibustion: Serving as A Link betweenPast and Future /159

VIII A Great Master in Warm Disease Theory—Ye Tianshi /161

IX Wu Jvtong and Detailed Analysis of EpidemicWarm Diseases /163

X The Most Authoritative Textbook on TCM—Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition /165

XI The Great Master of External Treatment—Wu Shangxian/ 167

XII Ding’s Family of Menghe Medical Schooland Modern TCM Education/ 169

XIII The First Comprehensive Dictionary of TCM—Grand Dictionary of Chinese Medicine /171

XIV The Pioneer of Integrated Chinese andWestern Medicine—Zhang Xichun/ 173

Chapter 6 Rebirth and Brilliance of TCM/ 175

I Chairman Mao Zedong’s GreatAttention on TCM/ 177

II Using Scientific Methods to Study TCM—the Establishment of the Institute ofTraditional Chinese Medicine /179

III TCM’s Entry into the New Era of Independent

Development—the Founding of the StateAdministration of Traditional Chinese Medicine/ 181

四、中医战SARS 震惊世界/68

五、首位获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的中国人——屠呦呦/ 70

六、中国第一部中医药法颁布/ 71

七、传统医学正式进入《国际疾病分类第十一次修订本(ICD-11)》/ 72

八、传承精华 守正创新——全面推进中医药振兴发展/ 73

IV World-Shaking TCM Battle against SARS/ 183

V The First Chinese Nobel Laureate inPhysiology or Medicine—Tu Youyou /185

VI The Promulgation of China’s First TCM Law /187

VII Traditional Medicine’s Off icial Enrollmentinto the International Classification ofDiseases 11th Revision (ICD-11) /189

VIII Inherit the Essence, Maintain Integrity andInnovate—Comprehensively Promote theRevitalization and Development of TCM/ 191


