柯爱莲,国际著名中国哲学学者,乔治城大学宗教系教授, Cline 教授在比较哲学与宗教学领域卓有建树,并在原始儒家、道家的伦理学、政治哲学与宗教思想领域成绩斐然;著有Families of Virtue: Confucian and Western Views on Childhood Development (Columbia University Press,2015), Confucius, Rawls, and the Sense of Justice (Fordham University Press, 2013),A World on Fire: Sharing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises with Other Religions (The Catholic University of America Press, 2018) ,并在国际顶级期刊,如Philosophy East and West, the Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Modern China, and Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy发表论文数十篇。