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Chapter 1 Preliminary
  In this chapter, we shall recall some basic knowledge in functional analysis (harmonic analysis) and idds for nonlinear evolutionary equations, most of which will be used in the subsequent chapters. The reader can easily find the detailed proofs in the related literature, see, e.g., Adams [1], Babin and Vishik [5],Chemin [20],Chepyzhov and Vishik [24], Constantin and Foias [27],Evans [30],Hale [54], Hille and Phillips [57], Kato [93],Ladyzhenskaya [74,75],Lemarie-Rieusse [76], Lions [78], Liu and Zheng [81], Lorentz [82],Liu and Zheng [80],Maz,ja [89],Miao [90, 91], Nirenberg [97], Novotny and Strauskraba [98], Pazy [104], Qin [112], Robinson [125], Rudin [126], Sell and You [129], Serrin [130], Smoller [135], Sobolev [136], Sogge [137],Sohr [138], Stein [141], Temam, Babin and Vishik [5],Sell and You [129], Temam [144-146], Triebel [147,148], Walter [150], Yosida [155],Zheng [156, 157], Zhongj Fan and Chen [161],etc.
  1.1 Some Useful Inequalities
  In this section, we shall recall some inequalities which will be used in the subsequent chapters.
  Throughout next chapters, we set, C will stand for a generic positive constant, depending on Q and some constants, but independent of the choice of the initial time and t. We introduce the Hausdorff semi-distance in X between two sets and.
  We set, divu, H is the closure of the set E infe topology, V is the closure of the set E in topology, W is the closure of the set E in (H2(Q))k topology, i.e.,
  P is the Helmholz-Leray orthogonal projection in onto the space is the Stokes operator subject to the nonslip homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition with the domain,and A is a self-adjoint positively defined operator on H. is a compact operator from H to H. The sequence {cOj}^ is an orthonormal system of eigenfunctions of are the eigenvalues of the Stokes operator A corresponding to the eigenfunctions Let
  where is a Hilbert space, and. Clearly, Vo = H, and ,Hf and are dual spaces of H and V respectively, where the injection is dense, continuous. denote the norm and inner product of H, respectively, i.e.,
  and denote the norm and inner product in V, respectively, i.e.,
  The norm denotes the norm in denotes the dual product in V and Vf. We define the following bilinear form operator:
  and the trilinear form operator
  where A is defined as, for all.
  Clearly, the trilinear operator satisfies
  Here, if the Hq norm and Hq norm replace V norm and W norm, respectively, the above inequalities also hold.
  There exists a positive constant C depending only on Q such that.
  Theorem 1.1.1 (Young,s Inequality). The following inequalities hold
  Theorem 1.1.2 (The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality). There holds that, for all x G Rn.
  Theorem 1.1.3 (Holder Inequality). Let QC]Rn be a domain,assume that and.
  Theorem 1.1.4 (Minkowski5s Inequality). Assume cxd. Then for any,
  Attractors for Nonlinear Autonomous Dynamical Systems
  Theorem 1.1.5 (Jensen,s Inequality with Integration). Let g(x) be a function defined on (a, b) and a < g(x) < P, where a, 6, a, P are bounded constants or can reach to +00,assume f(x) is a continuous convex function defined on and , then
  Theorem 1.1.6 (Poincar6,s Inequality). Assume that QcM.n is a bounded smooth domain,then there holds for all,(1.1.22)
  where is the first eigenvalue of A under the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition,is the norm of.
  Theorem 1.1.7 (Gronwall,s Inequality). Let , Assume satisfies
  Then for , we have
  Theorem 1.1.8 (The Uniform Bellman-Gronwall Inequality). Let g(t), h(t) and y(t) be three nonnegative locally integrable functions on such that i/(t) is locally integrable on (0, + oo) and the following inequalities are satisfied
  where r, are nonnegative constants. Then we have,
  Theorem 1.1.9 (Gronwall5s Inequality). Let E satisfy,
  for some P > 0 and m> 0. Let now be given. Suppose that the map is continuously differentiable and fulfills the differential inequality for some e > 0 and k > 0.
  Theorem 1.1.10 (Gronwall,s Inequality), Let be an absolutely continuous function satisfying at where e > 0,,for all t>s>0 and some m > 0.
  Under assumptions of theorem 1.1.6, the following inequalities hold for dimension n = 3.
  Theorem 1.1.11 (Ladyzhenskaya、Inequality).
  Theorem 1.1.12 (Sobolev’s Inequality). Assume that Q Ca bounded smooth domain,then for dimension n = 3, there holds
  Theorem 1.1.13 (The Gagliardo-Nirenberg Inequality).
Preface i
Preliminary 1
1.1 Some Useful Inequalities 1
1.2 Basic Theory of Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems for Autonomous Nonlinear Evolutionary Equations 10
1.2.1 Uniformly Compact Semigroups 10
1.2.2 Weakly Compact Semigroups 16
1.2.3 Q-Limit Compact Semigroups 17
1.2.4 Asymptotically Compact Semigroups 22
1.2.5 Asymptotically Smooth Semigroups 27
1.2.6 Norm-to-Weak Continuous Semigroups 28
1.2.7 Closed Operator Semigroups 30
1.3 Basic Theory of Finite-Dimensional Attractors 32
1.3.1 The Fractal Dimension of Global Attractors 32
1.3.2 The Estimate on Fractal Dimension of Global Attractors 33
CHAPTER 2 Global Attractors for the Navier-Stokes-Voight Equations with Delay 37
2.1 Global Wellposedness of Solutions 37
2.2 Existence of Global Attractors 43
2.2.1 Dissipation: Existence of Absorbing Sets 43
2.2.2 Asymptotical Compactness and Existence of Attractor 44
2.3 Bibliographic Comments 46
CHAPTER 3 Global Attractor and Its Upper Estimate on Fractal Dimension for the 2D Navier-Stokes-Voight Equations 47
3.1 Global Existence of Solutions 47
3.2 Existence of Global Attractors 55
3.2.1 Existence of Absorbing Sets 55
3.2.2 Some Compactness and the Existence of Global Attractors 56
3.3 Upper Estimate on the Fractal Dimension of Global Attractors 58
3.4 Bibliographic Comments 64
CHAPTER 4 Maximal Attractor for the Equations of One-Dimensional Compressible Polytropic Viscous Ideal Gas 67
41 Our Problem 67
4.2 Nonlinear Semigroup on 69
4.3 Existence of an Absorbing Set in 73
4.4 Existence of an Absorbing Set in 83
4.5 Proof of Theorem 4.2.1 86
4.6 Bibliographic Comments 88
CHAPTER 5 Universal Attractors for a Nonlinear System of Compressible One-Dimensional Heat-Conducting Viscous Real Gas 91
5.1 Main Results 91
5.2 Nonlinear Co-Semigroup on 95
5.3 Existence of an Absorbing Set in 97
5.4 Existence of an Absorbing Set in 106
5.5 Proof of Theorem 5.1.1 108
5.6 Bibliographic Comments 111
CHAPTER 6 Global Attractors for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations in Bounded Annular Domains 115
6.1 Main Result 115
6.2 Nonlinear Semigroup on 119
6.3 Existence of an Absorbing Set in 120
6.4 Existence of an Absorbing Set in 129
6.5 Existence of an Absorbing Set in 135
6.6 Bibliographic Comments 146
CHAPTER 7 Global Attractor for a Nonlinear Thermoviscoelastic System in Shape Memory Alloys 149
7.1 Main Result 149
7.2 An Absorbing Set in Hs 152
7.3 Compactness of the Orbit in Hs 165
7.4 Bibliographic Comments 173
CHAPTER 8 Global Attractors for Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Equations and the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations 175
8.1 Global Attractor for Strong Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Equations 175
8.1.1 Existence of Solutions and Uniqueness 176
8.1.2 Global Attractor for the Semigroup in 176
8.1.3 Global Attractor of System in and 177
8.2 Global Attractors for the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations in 183
CHAPTER 9 Global Attractors for an Incompressible Fluid Equation and a Wave Equation 187
9.1 An Incompressible Fluid Equation 187
9.2 A Wave Equation with Nonlinear Damping 193
9.2.1 Wellposedness of Solutions 194
9.2.2 Dissipativity 196
9.2.3 Asymptotic Compactness and Existence of Global Attractor 200
References 203
Index 211

