一、分诊Triage 二、治疗Treatment 抽血Blood Drawing 心电图Electrocardiography(ECG) 测量血压Taking Blood Pressure 24小时动态血压监测24-hour Dynamic Blood Pressure Monitoring 24小时动态心电图24.hour Holter Monitoring 尿标本采集Urine Specimen Collection 牙科治疗Dental Treatment 儿童牙科治疗Pedodontics Treatment 三、巡诊Making a Round of Visits 骨科巡诊Making a Round of Visits in Orthopedics Department 儿科巡诊Making a Round of Visits in Pediatric Department 产科巡诊Making a Round of Visits in Obstetrics Department 妇科巡诊Making a Round of Visits in Gynecology Department 牙科巡诊Making a Round ofVisits in Dental Department 眼科巡诊Making a Round ofVisits in Ophthalmology Department 耳鼻喉科巡诊Making a Round ofVisits in E.N.T Department 四、预约Appointment 门诊预约Outpatient Appointment 抽血Blood Drawing 尿标本Urine Sample 神经科Neurology Department 内分泌科Endocrinology Department 变态反应科Allergy Department 呼吸内科Department of Respiratory Medicine 消化科Department ofGastroenterology 儿科Pediatrics Department 眼科Ophthalmology Department 皮肤科Dermatology Department 心内科Cardiology Department 骨科Orthopedics Department 耳鼻喉科Otorhinolaryngology(ENT) Department 其他Others 五、注意事项Notice 胃肠镜检查前注意事项Tips before Gastroscopy/Colonoscopy 胃镜检查小贴士Tips for Gastroscopy 结肠镜肠道准备说明Introduction of the Intestinal Preparation for Colonoscopy 结肠镜检查小贴士Tips for Colonoscopy 胃镜/直结肠镜检查报告Report of GastrOscOpy/COlOnOscOpy 牙线使用小贴士Tips for Dental floss 牙科治疗后注意事项Tips for Dental Posttreatment 产科ObstetriCS