The reality of our relative backwardness compels us to import a lot from the Westerncountries. Today we learn English, read books about Warren Edward Buffett, wear nikeshoes, drink Coca-Cola, listen to rap songs, drive Mercedes-Benz, and watchHollywood movies. Our higher education tends to be Westernnized, too- emphasizinganalysis, criticism, logic, and formal approaches to problem-solving. What is tragic isthat in spite of the seemingly prevalent westernization in china Westerners report they feeluncertain and uncomfortable in interacting with Chinese and there has been muchcoverage of communication breakdowns. I am convinced that much of this problem stemsfrom lack of mutual understanding of cultural background knowledge, for in reality thecurrent westernization within China is superficial. It is due to this lack that many of ourgood intentions have been misinterpreted in the intercultural communication.
In writing these pages, I have an ambitious goal. I hope I can display to the readerthat most often the cultural differences are just differences of degree, and thatacknowledging the cultural differences will lead one to re-examine his or her ownculture. For this reason, this book is to focus on cultural comparison and contrast andtries to identify cultural differences as well as reasons behind these explicit or hiddendiscrepancies.