Section V SpeakingPart 1
This is Nelson Smith. He is a computer engineer. His work involves installation, repair and servicingof computers and associated equipment. Computer engineers may sometimes be described as informationtechnology (IT) hardware technicians, service engineers or computer systems engineer.
This is Susan King, an architect from Chicago. She has constructed her career over 17 years. Herbuilding materials include six years of architectural school and co-op internships and stints at three fulltime employers. She is now as an associate architect for Environ Inc. with design work on numerouswarehouses, manufacturing facilities and even a fast food restaurant to her credit.Part 2
In the picture, a young man is talking with an elderly man who is sitting at the table with a book inhis hand and looks very learned. The young man is bending his body listening to the elderly man with abig smile, thumbing up to show his agreement and compliments to him. However, there is another picturein a bubble over the young mans head: he has his arms crossed over his breast and his nose in the air,showing he complies with the elderly man in speech but disobeys in his heart.
The problem with this young man is immodesty, which is fairly common among young people.Some of them have too high an opinion of themselves, totally ignoring other peoples, especially oldpeople s, suggestions and advice, regarding them as being out of date. Consequently, their immodestyoften drives them up against the wall. In fact, we should know no matter whom we are and no matter howtalented we are, we are unlikely to be all powerful and the old peoples experience and advice are treasuresin our life, which we should try our best to learn from. Modesty is one of the many qualities that cross-century young people should possess. It gives us the impetus to go forward.