Gene-indexed mutations in maize
Construction of a multicontrol sterility system for a maize male-sterile line and hybrid seed production based on the ZmMs7 gene encoding a PHD-finger transcription factor
Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for three kernel-related traits in maize using a double haploid population
A transposon-directed epigenetic change in ZmCCT underlies quantitative resistance to Gibberella stalk rot in maize
Bacillus ciccensis sp. nov., isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) seeds
Comparative proteomics of contrasting maize genotypes provides insights into salt-stress tolerance mechanisms
QTL mapping of three ear traits using a doubled haploid population of maize
Dynamic changes of root proteome reveal diverse responsive proteins in maize subjected to cadmium stress
Genetic analysis of seedling root traits reveals the association of root trait with other agronomic traits in maize
The Asian con borer Ostrinia furnacalis feeding increases the direct and indirect defence of mid-whorl stage commercial maize in the field
The HuangZaoSi maize genome provides insights into genomic variation and improvement history of maize
Multi-omics analysis of the development and fracture resistance for maize internode
Dynamic plant height QTL revealed in maize through remote sensing phenotyping using a high-throughput unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
A leucine-rich repeat-receptor-like kinase gene SbER2-1 from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) confers drought tolerance in maize
Mapping of quantitative trait loci for seedling salt tolerance in maize
Waxy maize yield in response to a novel plant growth regulator and plant density
Increasing cytosine base editing scope and efficiency with engineered Cas9-PmCDAI fusions and the modified sgRNA in rice
Expanding base editing scope to near-PAMless with engineered CRISPR/Cas9 variants in plants
Multiplex nucleotide editing by high-fidelity Cas9 variants with improved efficiency in rice
Versatile nucleotides substitution in plant using an improved prime editing system
Activation of mitochondrial orf355 gene expression by a nuclear-encoded DREB transcription factor causes cytoplasmic male sterility in maize
CUBIC: an atlas of genetic architecture promises directed maize improvement
How to increase maize production without extra nitrogen input
New resources for genetic studies in maize (Zea mays L.): a genome-wide Maize6H-60K SNP array and its application
Identification and fine mapping of RppM, a southern corn rust resistance gene in maize
Effects of different nitrogen fertilizers on the yield, water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies of drip-fertigated wheat and maize in the North China Plain
Sequence polymorphism of the waxy gene in waxy maize accessions and characterization of a new waxy allele
Developing high-efficiency base editors by combining optimized synergistic core components with new types of nuclear localization signal peptide
Highly efficient CRISPR-SaKKH tools for plant multiplex cytosine base editing
Identification of a locus associated with genic male sterility in maize via EMS mutagenesis and bulked-segregant RNA-seq.
PIDS: a user-friendly plant DNA fingerprint database management system