Preface 1<br>Preface 2<br>Preface 3<br>Preface 4<br>Preface 5<br>Part 1 International Comparison Perspective<br>Chapter 1 The Product Space and the Middle Income Trap:Comparing Asian and Latin American Experiences<br>Section 1 Introduction <br>Section 2 Escaping from the Middle Income Trap: Productivity and structural transformation<br>Section 3 The Product Space: A tool for evaluating the structural transformation<br>Section 4 Data<br>Section 5 Navigating through the Product Space<br>Section 6 Product Space and productive development policies<br>Section 7 General framework conditions <br>Section 8 China<br>Section 9 Conclusion<br>Appendix Figures<br>References<br>……<br>Part 2 Latin American Case Studies<br>Part 3 Enlightenment for China