此书是世界图书出版公司出版的9卷本“泡利物理学讲义”中的第5卷,主题为波动力学。沃尔夫冈·泡利是20世纪卓越的理论物理学家,1945年诺贝尔物理学奖得主,他在原子物理学和量子力学领域做出了重要贡献,发现了“泡利不相容原理”,建立了“中微子”假说,提出了二分量波函数的概念和著名的泡利自旋矩阵,并在量子场论、固体物理等领域都做了很多杰出的工作。泡利去世后,他晚年的助手查尔斯·恩斯教授编辑修订了他生前在苏黎世联邦理工学院的授课讲义的英文版,分6卷,分别为《电动力学》《光学和电子论》《热力学和气体分子运动论》《统计力学》《波动力学》和《场量子化选讲》,英文版由The MIT Press出版。泡利年轻的时候还写过两篇重要的长达数百页的综述长文《相对论》和《量子力学的普遍原理》,直至今日仍是相对论与量子力学领域重要的经典文献。1921年,泡利为德国的《数学科学百科全书》撰写了关于相对论的长篇综述文章,爱因斯坦阅读后评价道:“任何该领域的专家都不会相信,该文出自一个年仅21岁的青年人之手,作者在文中显示出来的对这个领域的理解力、熟练的数学推导能力、对物理深刻的洞察力、使问题明晰的能力、系统的表述、对语言的把握、对该问题的完整处理及对其评价,使任何一个人都会感到羡慕。”1933年,泡利又为德国的《物理百科全书》撰写了关于量子力学的长篇综述文章,很快也成为经典。这两篇综述长文后来都以单行本的方式独立出版。在泡利生命的最后一年,他又对两书进行了全面修订,英文版分别由Pergamon Press和Springer-Verlag再次出版。我们将这两本书作为“泡利物理学讲义”的第7卷和第8卷一起出版。1994年,Springer-Verlag又出版了同样由泡利晚年助手查尔斯·恩斯教授编辑的《泡利物理哲学文集》,此书包含了泡利撰写的关于空间、时间与因果性、对称、泡利不相容原理和中微子等的21篇重在阐述科学思想与哲学的文章和演讲稿。我们将此书作为“泡利物理学讲义”的第9卷。这套“泡利物理学讲义”对高等院校的学生与研究人员深刻理解物理原理会有极大的帮助。
Foreword by Victor F. Weisskopf
Preface by the Editor
Preface by the Students
Part 1. Wave Functions of Force-Free Particles
1. Association of Waves with Particles
2. The Wave Function and Wave Equation
3. The Uncertainty Principle
4. Wave Packets and the Mechanics of Point Particles. Probability Density
5. Measuring Arrangements. Discussion of Examples
6. Classical Statistics and Quantum Statistics
Part 2. Description of a Particle in a Box and in Free Space
7. One Particle in a Box. The Equation of Continuity
8. Normalization in the Continuum. The Dirac δ-Function
9. The Completeness Relation. Expansion Theorem
10. Initial-Value Problem and the Fundamental Solution
Part 3. Particle in a Field of Force
11. The Hamiltonian Operator
12. Hermitian Operators
13. Expectation Values and the Classical Equation of Motion. Commutation Relations (Commutators)
Part 4. More than One Particle
14. More than One Particle
Part 5. Eigenvalue Problems. Functions of Mathematical Physics
15. The Linear Harmonic Oscillator. Hermite Polynomials
16. Matrix Calculus Illustrated with the Linear Harmonic Oscillator
17. The Harmonic Oscillator in a Plane. Degeneracy
18. The Hydrogen Atom
Part 6. Collision Processes
19. Asymptotic Solution of the Scattering Problem
20. The Scattering Cross Section. The Rutherford Scattering Formula
21. Solution of the Force-Free Wave Equation
22. Expansion of a Plane Wave in Legendre Polynomials
23. Solution of the Schrödinger Equation with an Arbitrary Central Potential
24. The Born Approximation
25. Scattering of Low-Energy Particles
Part 7. Approximate Methods for Solving the Wave Equation
26. Eigenvalue Problem of a Particle in a Uniform Field
27. The WKB Method
Part 8. Matrices and Operators. Perturbation Theory
28. General Relationship Between Matrices and Operators. Transformation Theory
29. General Formalism of Perturbation Theory in the Matrix Representation
30. Time-Dependent Perturbation
Part 9. Angular Momentum and Spin
31. General Commutation Relations
32. Matrix Elements of the Angular Momentum
33. Spin
34. Spinors and Space Rotations
Part 10. Identical Particles with Spin
35. Symmetry Classes
36. The Exclusion Principle
37. The Helium Atom
38. Collision of Two Identical Particles: Mott's Theory
39. The Statistics of Nuclear Spins
Part 11. Exercises
40. Fundamental Solution for Interval
41. Bound States and Tunnel Effect
42. Kronig-Penney Potential
43. Spherical Harmonics
44. Fundamental Solution for Harmonic Oscillator
45. Angular Momentum
46. Partial Waves
47. The Symmetrical Top
Appendix. Comments by the Editor