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  It Was a Good Barn
  佚名 / Anonymous
  An old friendship had grown cold. Where once there had been closeness, there was only strain. Now pride kept me from picking up the phone.
  Then one day I dropped in on another old friend who’s had a long career as a minister and counselor. We were seated in his study—surrounded by maybe a thousand books and fell into deep conversation about everything from small computers to the tormented life of Beethoven.
  The subject finally turned to friendship and how perishable it seems to be these days. I mentioned my own experience as an example. “Relationships are mysteries,” my friend said, “Some endure. Others fall apart.”
  Gazing out his window to the wooded Vermont hills, he pointed toward a neighboring farm, “Used to be a large barn over there.” Next to a red-frame house were the footings of what had been a sizable structure.
  “It was solidly built, probably in the 1870s. But like so many of the places around here, it went down because people left for richer lands in the Midwest. No one took care of the barn. Its roof needed patching; rainwater got under the eaves and dripped down inside the posts and beams.
  “One day a high wind came along, and the whole barn began to tremble. You could hear this creaking, first, like old sailing-ship timbers, and then a sharp series of cracks and a tremendous roaring sound. Suddenly it was a heap of scrap lumber.
  “After the storm blew over, I went down and saw these beautiful, old oak timbers, solid as could be. I asked the fellow who owns the place what had happened. He said he figured the rainwater had settled in the pinholes, where wooden dowels held the joints together. Once those pins were rotted, there was nothing to link the giant beams together.”
  We both gazed down the hill. Now all that was left of the barn was its cellar hole and its border of lilac shrubs.
  My friend said he had turned the incident over and over in his mind, and finally came to recognize some parallels between building a barn and building a friendship: no matter how strong you are, how notable your attainments, you have enduring significance only in your relationship to others.
  “To make your life a sound structure that will serve others and fulfill your own potential,” he said, “you have to remember that strength, however massive, can’t endure unless it has the interlocking support of others. Go it alone and you’ll inevitably tumble.”
  “Relationships have to be cared for,” he added, “like the roof of a barn. Letters unwritten, thanks unsaid, confidences violated, quarrels unsettled—all this acts like rainwater  seeping  into  the  pegs ,weakening the link between the beams.”
  My friend shook his head. “It was a good barn. And it would have taken very little to keep it in good repair. Now it will probably never be rebuilt.”
  Later that afternoon I got ready to leave. “You wouldn’t like to borrow my phone to make a call, I don’t suppose·” he asked.
  “Yes,” I said, “I think I would. Very much.”
  torment ['t·:ment] v. 使苦恼;拷问;烦扰;纠缠
  She torments everyone with silly questions.
  perishable ['peri··bl] adj. 易腐坏的;会枯萎的;会死的
  It must be accepted that wood is perishable.
  patching ['p·t·i·] n. 修补(接线)
  Maybe you can try reinstalling the game and patching it to the latest
  scrap [skr·p] n. 小片;残余物;废料
  The ship was broken up for scrap metal.
  Then one day I dropped in on another old friend who’s had a long career as a minister and counselor.
  drop in:顺便走访(某人)
  It was a heap of scrap lumber.
  a heap of:许多;大量
  I Will Live This Day as if It Is My Last
  佚名 / Anonymous
  I will live this day as if it is my last. And what shall I do with this last precious day which remains in my keeping· First, I will seal up its container of life so that not one drop spills itself upon the sand. I will waste not a moment mourning yesterday’s misfortunes, yesterday’s defeats, yesterday’s aches of the heart, for why should I throw good after bad·
  Can sand flow upward in the hour glass· Will the sun rise where it sets and set where it rises· Can I relive the errors of yesterday and right them· Can I call back yesterday’s wounds and make them whole· Can I become younger than yesterday· Can I take back the evil that was spoken, the blows that were struck, the pain that was caused· No. Yesterday is buried forever and I will think of it no more.
  And what then shall I do· Forgetting yesterday neither will I think of tomorrow. Why should I throw note after maybe· Can tomorrow’s sand flow through the glass before today’s· Will the sun rise twice this morning· Can I perform tomorrow’s deeds while standing in today’s path· Can I place tomorrow’s gold in today’s purse· Can tomorrow’s child be born today· Can tomorrow’s death cast its shadow backward and darken today’s joy· No! Tomorrow lies buried with yesterday, and I will think of it no more.
  I will live this day as if it is my last. This day is all I have and these hours are now my eternity. I greet this sunrise with cries of joy as a prisoner who is reprieved from death. I lift mine arms with I. consider all who greeted yesterday’s sunrise who are no longer with the living today. I am indeed a fortunate man and today’s hours are but a bonus, undeserved. Why have I been allowed to live this extra day when others, far better than I, have departed· Is it that they have accomplished their purpose while mine is yet to be achieved· Is this another opportunity for me to become the man I know I can be·
  I have but one life and life is naught but a measurement of time. If I waste today I destroy the last page of my life. Therefore, each hour of this day will I cherish for it can never return. It cannot be banked today to be withdrawn on the morrow, for who can trap the wind· Each minute of this day will I grasp with both hands and fondle with love for its value is beyond price. What dying man can purchase another breath though he willingly give all his gold· What price dare I place on the hours ahead· I will make them priceless!
  The duties of today I shall fulfil today. Today I shall fondle my children while they are young; tomorrow they will be gone, and so will I. Today I shall embrace my woman with sweet kisses; tomorrow she will be gone, and so will I. Today I shall lift up a friend in need; tomorrow he will no longer cry for help, nor will I hear his cries. Today I shall give myself in sacrifice and work; tomorrow I will have nothing to give, and there will be none to receive.
  reprieve [ri'pri:v] v. 暂缓处刑;暂时得救
  He decided to reprieve the condemned prisoner.
  bonus ['b·un·s] n. 红利;奖金
  Our manager has been fudging the issue of bonus payments for
  morrow ['m·r·u] n. 翌日;次日
  Let’s hope that the morrow will bring better news.
  sacrifice ['s·krifais] n. 牺牲;供奉;祭品
  Success in your job is not worth the sacrifice of your health.
  I will seal up its container of life so that not one drop spills itself upon the sand.
  so that:为的是;以便
  Can I call back yesterday’s wounds and make them whole·
  call back:叫……回来;给……回电话;收回
Seizing Every Minute in Life
· 休息日你怎么过  佚名
What Happened to Sunday  Anonymous
· 一座好谷仓  佚名
It Was a Good Barn   Anonymous
· 如果今天是世界末日  佚名
I Will Live This Day as if It Is My Last  Anonymous
· 困难和机遇并存  佚名
Problems and Opportunities  Anonymous
· 生命的最佳时期  佚名
The Prime Time in Life  Anonymous
· 把握生命的每一时刻  佚名
Seizing Every Minute in Life  Anonymous
· 一切永远都不晚  佚名
It’s Never Too Late  Anonymous
· 人生十个“不”  佚名
A Creed to Live By  Anonymous
· 自我发现和自我强大的16步  佚名
16 Steps to Self-discovery and Self-empowerment  Anonymous
· 有裂痕的罐子  佚名
The Cracked Pot  Anonymous
· “我能做到!”  佚名
“I Can Make It Happen!”  Anonymous
· 让信心长起来  佚名
Let Your Confidence Grow  Anonymous
· 一直向前看  佚名
Keep Going   Anonymous
· 生命中的每个起点  佚名
The Beginning  Anonymous
We Are on a Journey
· 人生游戏五只球  佚名
Good Thoughts to Keep in Mind  Anonymous
· 生命中每一天都是新的  阿诺德·贝内特
The Daily Miracle  Arnold Bennett
· 人在旅途中  亨利·凡·戴克
We Are on a Journey  Henry Van Dyke
· 我们为学习而来  佚名
We’re All Here to Learn  Anonymous
· 你的恢复速度有多快  佚名
What Is Your Recovery Rate·   Anonymous CHAPTER2
· 人与机会  奥里森·马登
The Man and the Opportunity  Orison Marden
· 万事开头难  奥里森·马登
How Did He Begin  Orison Marden
· 马上行动起来吧  佚名
Act at Once  Anonymous
· 别浪费你宝贵的时间  佚名
Don’t Waste Precious Time  Anonymous
· 如何高效地学习  佚名
How to Learn with Success  Anonymous
· 大胆迈出你的第一步  佚名
Step Out  Anonymous
· 做事当机立断的重要性  乔治·洛里默
The Importance of Deciding Promptly  George Lorimer
· 如何把握每次时机  奥里森·马登
On Time or the Triumph of Promptness  Orison Marden
· 其实你可以选择  佚名
You Have a Choice  Anonymous
· 年轻人不能守株待兔  塞弗恩·卡利斯·苏祖基
The Young Can’t Wait  Severn Cullis Suzuki
· 出奇制胜的魅力  弗洛伦斯·斯高伏尔·西恩
Catch up with Your Good  Florence Scovel Shinn
· 成功就在你面前  斯图尔特·罗森
Success Is on the Other Side  Stuart Rosen
· 我始终都是一帆风顺  本杰明·富兰克林
So Far Through Life with a Considerable Share of Felicity  Benjamin Franklin
· 时间与机遇并存  阿尔伯特·哈伯德
Time and Chance  Elbert Hubbard
· “去做”  佚名
“Get to”   Anonymous
· 再等一会儿  佚名
Later   Anonymous
· 通往成功的道路  安德鲁·卡内基
The Road to Success  Andrew Carnegie
Your First Step to Success
· 思想决定你的目标  詹姆斯·艾伦
Thought and Purpose  James Allen
· 懒惰者的几个级别  亨利·沃德·比彻
There Are Many Grades of Idleness  Henry Ward Beecher
· 忙碌的人生  罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森
Extreme Busyness  Robert Louis Stevenson
· 远见的力量  芭芭拉·伯杰
The Power of the Vision  Barbara Berger
· 培养自己的领导意识  佚名
Learn to Be a Leader  Anonymous
· 让教训不要重复出现  佚名
A Lesson Is Repeated Until Learned  Anonymous
· 成功人生离不开自信  佚名
Self-confidence  Anonymous
· 完美人生,智慧生活  佚名
Perfection  Anonymous
· 确立目标,提高学习的主动性  佚名
Motivation and Goal Setting  Anonymous
· 坚强的信念实现伟大的成功
Nothing Great Was Ever Achieved without Faith Desiree Eroy-Reveles
· 为你自己而站立  佚名
Stand up for Yourself  Anonymous
· 信念的无穷力量  佚名
The Power of Belief  Anonymous
· 提升自己的人生价值  佚名
Multiply Our Value  Anonymous
· 人生没有错误,只有教训  佚名
There Are No Mistakes, Only Lessons  Anonymous
· 打开成功之门的钥匙  佚名
Your Key to Certain Success  Anonymous
· 你接受挑战吗  佚名
Do You Accept Challenges  Anonymous
· 让你的大脑更聪明  佚名
Exercise Your Head  Anonymous
· 关于铅笔的一则寓言  佚名
A Parable of the Pencil  Anonymous
· 我在森林遭遇蝴蝶袭击  佚名
Attacked by a Butterfly  Anonymous
· 你心情不好吗  佚名
The Blue Day  Anonymous
· 生命是一首交响乐  佚名
The Symphony Is a Way of Life  Anonymous
· 贝多芬和《第九交响曲》  佚名
Beethoven and His Symphony  Anonymous
· 暴风雨中翱翔的雄鹰  佚名
Eagles in a Storm  Anonymous
· 人生中最大的挑战  佚名
Big Challenges  Anonymous

