Everyday Compassion at Google
陈一鸣(Chade Meng Tan),是谷歌公司总部最受欢迎的工程师之一,这位华裔工程师喜欢与名人合影。此篇讲座为2012年8月3日,陈一鸣在TED大会上所发表,这位谷歌公司的知名“善良好汉”,讲述了一个企业如何在日常工作中践行恻隐之心,并通过大量举例,详细阐述了企业恻隐之心的概念、创造过程及实际意义。
So what does the happiest man in the world look like? He certainly doesnt look like me.He looks like this.His name is Matthieu Ricard.So how do you get to be the happiest man in the world? Well it turns out there is a way to measure happiness in the brain.And you do that by measuring the relative activation of the left prefrontal cortex in the fMRI,versus the right prefrontal cortex.And Matthieus happiness measure is off the charts.Hes by far the happiest man ever measured by science.Which leads us to a question:What was he thinking when he was being measured? Perhaps something very naughty.Actually,he was meditating on compassion.Matthieus own experience is that compassion is the happiest state ever.
Reading about Matthieu was one of the pivotal moments of my life.My dream is to create the conditions for world peace in my lifetime—and to do that by creating the conditions for inner peace and compassion on a global scale.And learning about Matthieu gave me a new angle to look at my work.Matthieus brain scan shows that compassion is not a chore.Compassion is something that creates happiness.Compassion is fun.And that mindblowing insight changes the entire game.Because if compassion was a chore,nobodys going to do it.But if compassion was fun,everybodys going to do it.Therefore,to create the conditions for global compassion,all we have to do is to reframe compassion as something that is fun.