The pools where people behold the most ideal reflections ofthemselves are the eyes of the men and women they fall in love with.Beware of insincere compliments or praise that misses the mark. One badmove and early love gets eaten alive. A well-executed ego massage proceedsgracefully through four steps. "It begins with making your Quarry feel that,because of his magnetism, he has instantly captivated you. Then, as youand your Quarry are chatting, you must make him sense strong empathyflowing from you, Step three is to start interiecting your approval. Now,as your Quarry reveals more of himself to you, you may begin to bestowimplied compliments. Along the way you can develop private jokes andother techniques that we will learn to make him feel special. Finally whenyour Quarry senses that you realize how special he is, he is ready for thebig guns, killer compliments. Skilled praise is a powerful magnet.
People react powerfully to praise, especially from someone they havejust met. Explorations of couples who broke up prove that complimentsfrom a new admirer carried a lot more elout than those from a currentlover. If you are currently in a relationship, the competition is tough.Your Quarry becomes immune to many of your easoal compliments andwearies of them if they are inappropriate. Taken one for one, a strong ontarget compliment from a new admirer is a much more stunning blow. Theesame study showed that insults and dige from current lovers,andfriends are more damaging those from strangers. Because they holdmore of a capacity to hurt or offend, current lovers play double jeopardyin the game of love. This is good news for you if you are the newcomer onthe scene.