Aroused by these articles in the "Morn-ing Post," I went over to the British Mu-seum Library and read a number of Lincolnbooks; and the more I read, the more fasci-nated I became. Finally I caught on fire andI determined to write a book about Lincoln,myself. I knew that I had not the urge, tem-perament, training, or ability necessary ,toproduce a learned treatise for the benefit ofscholars and historians. Besides, I felt therewas little need for another book of that kind,for many excellent ones are already in exist-ence. However, after reading many Lincolnvolumes, I did feel that there was a genuineneed for a short biography that would tellthe most interesting facts about his careerbriefly and tersely for the average busy andhurried citizen of today. I have tried to writesuch a book.
I began the work in Europe, and laboredover it for a year there and then for two yearsin New York. Finally I tore up all that I hadwritten and tossed it into the wastebasket. Ithen went out to Illinois, to write of Lin-coln on the very ground where he himselfhad dreamed and toiled.