From Horseshoe Bend to the Trail of Tears
Andrew Jackson and his wife, Rachel, adopted and raised a Creek Indian boyorphaned from one of Jacksons own military campaigns against the Creeks. Theytreated him kindly. Yet in other ways, Jacksons relations with Native Americanswere violent and destructive. This history started in 1813, when Jackson was givencommand of a group of militia in the field to fight the Creek Indians. The British hadgotten the Creeks and other Native Americans to help them threaten the Southernfrontier during the War of 1812. Why was Jackson suddenly called into action againstthe Creeks?
On August 30, 1813, Creek Indians had killed hundreds of frontier settlers at FortMims on the shore of Lake Tensaw, Alabama (then Mississippi Territory). They weretrying to get back land taken from them by white settlers. Jackson prevailed againstthe Creeks, despite less than perfect conditions for his Tennessee and Kentuckymilitia.
On March 27, 1814, Jackson and his men killed 800 Creeks and captured 500women and children in the battle at Tohopeka (also known as Horseshoe Bend),Alabama. This decisive victory made Jackson very popular. The Creeks neverthreatened the frontier again. On August 9, 1814, the Treaty of Fort Jackson wassigned, ending the Creek War of 1814 and requiring the Creeks to surrender 23 millionacres of their land. What other land battle did Jackson have with Native Americans?
Many whites wanted Native Americans removed from their tribal lands in theEast. They had a friend in President Andrew Jackson. Jackson pushed the IndianRemoval Act of 1830 through Congress. This law required that many Native Americansgive up their lands in the East and relocate west of the Mississippi River. A number oftribes did so, but others refused.
The Cherokee Indians4, in particular, fought in court against the state of Georgiasattempts to take away their lands, and in 1832 the Supreme Court finally ruled in theirfavor. Georgia did not have authority over the Cherokee lands, the court said. Do youknow what happened to the Cherokees?