Lijiang River area used to be a poverty-stricken area. Due to the hin-drance of hills and waters the transportation in the area was very diffi-cult and most of the people inhabiting along the river made their livingon catching fish and agricultural cultivation. After 1949 and especiallyafter the implementation of the policy of reform and opening to the out-side world the government pays great attention to the construction, utili-zation and development of the tourist resources along the river. Effortshave been made in particular to do better the area along the 83-kilome-ter watercourse, which is opened to visitors both Chinese and foreign.Quite a number of houses have been built and large pieces of terracedfields reclaimed and planted with large bamboos and varieties of fruittrees. From place to place one can see artificial lakes shimmering in be-tween paddy fields. Every year when spring comes onto the earth andflowers in bloom, you can feast your eyes on the charming beauties en-dowed by nature. The landscape in verdancy, the rice fields in greenand the colza in golden yellow flowers and luxuriant trees as well, allthis will make you feel enchanted without thinking of a return.