desktop and portable Macintoshes forprofessional and consumer customers.Because of Jobss restorative efforts,Apple exited the 1990s as a pared-down version of its former self, but,importantly, a profitable companyonce again.
Apples turnaround was confirmedin the first years of the 21st century, asthe company strode toward its 30thanniversary exuding an unprecedenteddegree of strength. At the heart of thecompanys surging growth was a digitalmusic player brandedas iPod.Introduced in late 2001, the iPodrepresented another example ofApples skill in designing an elegantand functional product. Succeedinggenerations of iPods hit the marketand scored resounding success, drivingthe companys financial growth.Between 2001 and 2005, thanksprimarily to the popularity of iPods,the companys sales nearly tripled,increasing from $5.3 billion to $13.9billion. Apple controlled more than 75percent of the $2.5 billion digital audioplayer market in the United States.