want to look at them anymore. Theyjust blend together into this great bignoise and pretty soon we cant evenhear ourselves think. But thats noteven the worst part. The worst partis that we feel like we cant doanything about it——and thats atragedy. Because we can. We dontknow where to start maybe, maybethats what it is, but I have an idea ofwhere we can start. From today, lmgoing to make it the responsibility ofthis government to find a job forevery American that wants one.
If youve ever seen the look onsomebodys face the day they finallyget a job, lve had some experiencewith this, they look like they couldfly. And its not about the paycheck,its about respect,its about lookingin the mirror and knowing thatyouve done something valuable withyour day.And if one person couldstart to feel this way, and thenanother person, and then anotherperson, soon all these other problemsmay not seem so impossible. Youdont really know how much you cando until you stand up and decide totry.