England in the early eighth century was a more sophisticated place thanithad been in the early seventh. A united English kingdom was still faraway, but the English were now starting to become aware ofthemselves as an ethnic and cultural unity. Bede may have felt this morekeenly than anyone: it is easy to forget how significant is the very title ofhis greatest work, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. It wasbecause he saw the common destiny of his race fulfilled in the unitedEnglish Church that he could think of an English people. But are thereany signs that secular government was also becoming morecomprehensive? This is a hard question to answer, not least becausethere are more sources. On the one hand, institutions and conceptswhich show the strong side of eighth-century kingship may not be new,but merely recorded for the first time. On the other hand, the dynasticturmoils which show its weak side may not be new either: it is likely thatBede and his contemporaries glossed over such matters. This at leastcan be said: the eighth-century Mercian kings wielded as much militarypower as earlier over-kings; and they lived in a world of greater literacyand legality, of more firmly entrenched rights, which made their powermore stable and more capable of development.
第一章 英格兰人集居地
第二章 七世纪
第三章 基督教与修道院文化
第四章 麦西亚霸权
第五章 维京人的入侵与韦塞斯王室的兴起
第六章 艾特尔雷德与克努特:英格兰君主制的衰落
第七章 盎格鲁-撒克逊王朝的终结