Consequently, over the past few years,I volunteered to join every banking project in my department, took CFA exams, managed my own mini-fund in the market, and met a group of friends with similar aspiration. The fundamentals I grasped through these efforts, coupled with practical project fieldwork, have better prepared me towards my career goals.
However, currently I need more to move on in this relentless journey. Important knowledge and skills, such as solid understanding in finance and management, in-depth comprehension“organization operation, and seasoned insight on business strategy are essential to enter strategic consulting.
Furthermore, in face of more complicated financial instruments and hidden risks, leading banks in China demands a higher level of product mastery and risk management mechanism to their new business like credit cards and structured derivatives. Midsized and niche players are also longing for experiences from mature market to enhance their operation and refine their focused specialty.Meanwhile, state-owned giants are initiating strategic moves to expand their business worldwide. In order to establish my business to address these opportunities,I need to be equipped with vertical industry expertise, global vision, and a well-connected network.
Columbia's premier faculty and top-notch curriculum, including innovative courses such as Napoleon's glance and the Master Class Operations Consulting【细节描述,体现对学校深入了解】,can arm me with necessary knowledge and practical know-how to build more bricks to my consulting pursuit.1 want to discuss market positioning strategy for small and midsized banks in Economics of Strategic Behavior with Bruce Greenwald【学校知名教授,再次体现对学校做过深入研究,证明选择哥大是自己的慎重思考后决定的】,who could further inspire me on effective solution in China market.
Moreover, its unparalleled exposure to the center of financial market and extensive alumni on the Street can provide me with invaluable guidance and hands-on opportunities. Through talking with leaders like Sabin Streeter in Executives in Residence Program,【细节,大量的细节。Why School这部分通常是被认为最难写的。粗粗看起来,每个学校都大同小异,如何在这里面表现自己对学校的热情远大于其他申请人,就在细节的表述上。当然,这些细节不是随意堆砌的,一定要和自己的需求紧密结合】I can further deepen my industry perception.and establish connections that could ultimately become cornerstone to realize my firm-owner dream.
Additionally, when my close friend [people's name]【和校友的交流,从侧面表现出自己除了常规渠道外,还通过各种私人渠道了解学校,再次加强独特性】,current J-term candidate '10, hilariously shared with me their striking experience in Study Tour to Romania,Ⅱcan't wait to join them to enjoy the unique exploration.I can greatly broaden my perspective and cultural understanding by communicating with talents and practitioners around the world. The diversified backgrounds at CBS, along with the Chazen Exchange Programs and Study Tours, will shorten my distance to the latest achievement of global wisdom that could benefit my entire life.
I believe the experiences at Columbia will propel me on career track and eventually establish results and relationships that outlast the 2-year MBA.