Chapter 1 I Meet Sir Henry Curtis
It was a curious thing that at my age—fifty-five last birthday—I shouldfind myself taking up a pen to try and write a history. I wonder what sort ofa history it will be when I have done a good many things in my life, whichseems a long one to me, owing to my having begun so young, perhaps. At anage when other boys are at school, I was earning my living as a trader in theold Colony. I have been trading, hunting, fighting, or mining ever since. Andyet it is only eight months ago that I made my pile. It is a big pile now Ihave got it—I dont yet know how big—but I dont think I would gothrough the last fifteen or sixteen months again for it; no, not if I knew that Ishould come out safe at the end, pile and all. But then I am a timid man, anddont like violence, and am pretty sick of adventure. I wonder why I amgoing to write this book: it is not in my line. I am not a literary man, thoughvery devoted to the Old Testament and also to the lngoldsby Legends. Letme try and set down my reasons.
First reason: Because Sir Henry Curtis and Captain John Good askedme to.
Second reason: Because I am laid up here at Durban with the pain andtrouble in my left leg. Ever since that confounded lion got hold of me I havebeen liable to it, and its being rather bad just now makes me limp more thanever. There must be some poison in a lions teeth, otherwise how is it thatwhen your wounds are healed they break out again. It is a hard thing thatwhen one has shot sixty-five lions as I have in the course of my life, that thesixty-sixth should chew your leg like a quid of tobacco. It breaks the routineof the thing, and putting other considerations aside, I am an orderly man anddont like that.
第一章 初会亨利-柯蒂斯
第二个理由:因为我现在躺在德班忍受着左腿的病痛。自从那头该死的狮子咬过我后,我就留下了病根,而且眼下情况相当糟,我瘸得比以往更厉害了。狮子的牙一定有毒,不然伤口痊愈后怎么又会复发呢?这真让人难过,像我这样一个曾打死过65头狮子的人竞被第66头狮子像嚼烟叶似的嚼伤了我的腿。这违背了事情的常理,除此之外,我是一个规矩人,不喜欢做那样的事情。 P2-3