A Room of His Own<br>自己的小天地<br>Mary E. Potter<br>玛丽•E• 波特<br><br>导读<br>一个人只有在夜深人静的时候,才能体会人生的真谛;一个人只有在独处的<br>时候,才能思考人生的意义。夜深人静,万事万物都已沉寂,思绪才能在<br>思想的银河中徜徉;在独处中,人才能静心冥思,深入透彻理解人生的哲学。<br><br>Unmistakable noises are coming through my bedroom wall. Now a scuffling, now a bumping, a long, drawn-out scraping. “John, are you moving furniture in there? Again?” I call. The wall muffles his “yes” but does not filter out of his voice the tinge of excitement.<br>I am not upset by these impulsive rearrangements, just amused at their frequency. I remember my own feelings when I was 13 as he is — the startling, rapid evolution of body and mind and emotions, the need to invent and reinvent yourself through clothes, hairstyles and the arrangement and decor of your room.<br><br>透过我卧室的墙壁清清楚楚地传来嘈杂声。一会儿是拖来拖去的声音,一会儿是嘎噔嘎噔的撞击声,一会儿是咚咚的重击声,一会儿是拉得长长的尖利的刮擦声。“约翰,你又在倒腾家具啦?”我喊道。隔着墙壁,传来他闷声闷气的回答:“对!”但墙壁并没有过滤掉他话音里的激动。<br>对他的这些心血来潮的重新布置我并不感到烦乱,只是对他如此频繁地倒腾感到好笑。我还记得我13 岁时,和他现在一样大的时候,自己的那些感觉——身体上、心理上和情感上的惊人的、迅速的变化,想通过衣着、发式以及房间的布置和装饰来塑造和重新塑造自我的那种需求。<br>