第一章 1840年黑便士邮票诞生前的几百年英国邮政简介
(A Brief Introduction to the GB Postal History Before the Penny Black)
一、谈谈英文字母"Stamp"一词(Discussion on the English Word-"Stamp")
二、 "Stamp"一词出现以前的英国邮政(GB Post Before the Introduction of Stamp)
三、谈谈1840年黑便士邮票诞生前的三个阶段(Three Stages Before the Penny Black of 1840)
1."日戳"或"日期戳"阶段(The Date Stamp)
阶段("Postage Stamp"0r Postage Paid Handstamps"of William Doekwra's Penny Post)
3.手加盖的便士戳阶段,即"均一4便士邮资制"和"均一便士邮资制"阶段(Handstruek Paid Postage Stamps Under"Uniform 4d Postage" and "Uniform Penny Postage" )
第二章 黑便士邮票(The Penny Black Stamps)
一、黑便士邮票的诞生原因(Why the Penny Blackwas Invented)
1.1840年以前,邮资非常昂贵,使得一般老百姓无法承担寄信的费用 (High Postage Be~re 1840).
2.当时的邮资是根据邮路的远近及纸张的页数和重量收费的(Postage Based on Distance,Pages and Weight).
3.贵族及国会议员享有免费寄信的特权(Noblemen and MP Free Franking Privilege)
4.邮改前,大多数信是邮资到付,拒付邮资的事情常有发生(Postage Refused By the Receivers Before Postal Rearm)
5.时代发展的需求(The Demand for the Development Through the Times)
6.1840年前邮局的管理问题、程序繁琐、腐败等等也导致了邮改的必要性(The Inefficient Management of Post office Before 1840)
7.罗兰·希尔的贡献及其支持者们的作用(Rowland Hill and His Supporters'Role)
二、黑便士邮票的诞生(The Birth of the Penny Black)
1.黑便士诞生前的准备(The Preparation for the Penny Black)
2.黑便士诞生的具体过程(Penny Black Invention Process)
三、解析黑便士邮票(Analyzing the Penny Black Stamps)
1.黑便士(一便士)及蓝便士(两便士)的邮票(Penny Black and Two pence Blue)
2.VR黑便士邮票(VR Penny Black Stamps)
3.邮票在整版中的位置(The Stamp Position in the Whole Sheet)
4.黑便士印刷程序(The Penny Black Printing Procedure)
5.黑便士共有几种版别及印刷数量(Total Plates and Total Printed the Penny Blacks)
6.黑便士改为红便士(Changing to Penny Red)
第三章 黑便士的发明人:罗兰·希尔爵士(Penny Black Inventor:Sir Rowland Hill)
第四章 与黑便士邮票有关的事件、公司、故事和其他主要人物
(The Events,Firms,Stories and Other Major Figures in Connection with the Penny Black Stamps)
第五章 纪念黑便士邮票和罗兰·希尔爵士(Commemorating Penny Black Stamps and Sir Rowland Hill)
第六章 介绍几位我熟悉的英国黑便士邮票的学者、收藏家/邮
商及其作品/藏品(A few Penny Black Experts,Collectors/Dealers and Their Works/Collections)
参考书目(Reference Books and Acknowledgements)