Now,what are,what will be the implications,the consequences of thecriininalization of aggression.9 1 will deal with this fundamental issue bv threesets of questions:
First:what were the main factors leading to this outcome 0f Kampala and to the current situation.9
Second:whataresomeof themostcriticalaspectsof todav,srealitv regarding armed conflicts and the use of force for power-political obiectives.ause of military force which often must be regarded as highly questionable 0r even illegal?
Third:whataretheconclusions,whatneedst0bedonetomakethe criminalization 0f aggression as strong and effective as possihle?In this last part,1 will submit some legal policy suggestions forthe wavforward.
Before I go medias in res,1 would like to thank Mr M0rten Bergsm0 forthis kind invitation and all those who helped to 0rganize this event.I am grateful to be here,today,to honour late Judge Li Haopei,thedistinguished Chinese jurist,diplomat and academic.Judge Li Haopei.