Inflammable 是“可燃”还是“不可燃”?birthday suit 跟生日有没有半毛钱的关系?peel、unpeel、unpeeled 到底“剥不剥皮”?《弄清洋文免出洋相:切莫掉进英语陷阱》一书收录的许多英语词汇、短语、习语、固定搭配等你似乎“一听能懂,一看也会”,但其实呢,却真不一定能理解对。书里提示了众多英语学习者应小心的陷阱,“弄清洋文免出洋相”。Don’t get it wrong.
Show a Leg ≠ 把一条腿伸出来
He is a Cancer ≠ 他是个癌症患者
How goes the enemy ≠ 敌人去向如何
That’ll teach you to tell a lie ≠ 那会教你如何撒谎
Newman is a sight for sore eyes ≠ 纽曼一看就让人讨厌
The painter made an exhibition of himself ≠ 画家举办个人画展
Please give your two cents on the matter ≠ 请为那件事捐两分钱吧
Woodgate is a member of the kitchen cabinet ≠ 木门是橱柜的一个构件