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  1. 剑桥商务英语资格考试(BEC)必备词汇宝典
  2. 商务与白领人士日常必备的办公词汇工具书
  3. 中、美语言专家为你打造清晰纯正的双语单词记忆环境
  赠送超长6小时双语单词朗读光盘,让你躺着听、走路听、坐车听、运动听、逛街听!!!在用眼疲劳、不想看书的状态下,只要带上耳机, 让你随时随地记单词!!商务英语词汇库让你随身带着走!
  4. 附赠作者精心编写的附录,扩展你的商务知识储备
第一部分 PART
Daily Life 日常生活
Unit 1 住房
1 房价Housing Price
2 分期付款购房Buying a House Installments
3 搬家公司Remover
4 乔迁新居Move into New House
5 新房New House
6 房屋装饰Decorating the House
7 居住条件Conditions of the House
8 住房问题Housing Problem
Unit 2 租房
1 找公寓Looking for an Apartment
2 房屋中介Realtor
3 看房Take a Look at the Apartment 20Unit 3 饮食
1 烹饪Cooking
2 咖啡厅Coffee House
3 拒绝垃圾食品No Junk Food
4 用餐完毕Have Had Enough
5 快餐The Fast Food
6 在中餐馆In a Chinese Restaurant
U nit 4 居家生活
1 家务活Household Chores
2 电视节目TV Program
3 来人拜访Paying a Visit
4 探望家人Visiting Someones Folks
5 健康证明Clean Bill of Health
U nit 5逛街购物
1 大减价Mega Sales
2 新款上市New Style
3 买礼物Buying Gifts
4 购买衣服Buying Clothes
5 跳蚤市场Flea Market
6 在工艺品店At an Arts and Crafts Store 57Unit 6闲聊
1 谈论天气Talking About the Weather
2 个人爱好Personal Hobbies
3 小说文学Novel and Literature
4 人生目标Life Goals
5 友谊万岁Permanent
6 文化冲突Culture Shock
7 环境保护Environment Protection
8 安乐死Mercy Killing
第二部分 PART
Leisure 休闲活动
Unit 1时尚生活
1 时尚服饰Fashion Clothes
2 掌上电脑Personal Digital Assistant
3 时尚手机Fashion Mobile Phone
Unit 2欢乐派对
1 邀请Invitation
2 参加聚会Go to a Party 893谈论聚会Talking about Party
Unit 3 网上冲浪
1如何上网How to Get Connected to the Internet
2 上网聊天Chatting on the Internet
3 网上购物Shopping Online
4 网上下载Download
Unit 4体育运动
1 观看比赛Watching Game
2 足球Soccer
3 乒乓球Ping Pong
4 羽毛球Bedminton
5 橄榄球Football
6 长跑Long Distance Running
Unit 5 娱乐休闲
1 演唱会Vocal Concert
2 音乐剧Musical
3 观看杂技表演
Watching a Performance by Acrobatic Circus
4 摇滚乐Rock Music
5 宠物Pets
6 艺术欣赏Appreciating Art
第三部分 PART
School & Education 菁菁校园
Unit 1接触新校园
1 新生见面Meet Freshmen
2 新生训练Orientation Program
3 探访校园Exploring the Campus
4 注册选课 Registration and Taking Courses
5 说说新学期 Discussing the New Semester
Unit 2课堂内外
1 口头报告Presentation
2 谈论课堂Talking about the Class
3 实验课Laboratory Course
Unit 3 课外活动
1 空闲作诗Writing Poetry in Spare Time
2 兼职工作Parttime Job
3 梦想Dreams
4 参加毕业典礼 Going over to the Commencement
Unit 4在图书馆
1 如何使用图书馆How to Use the Library
2 如何找书How to Find a Book
3 查找资料Finding Some Information
Unit 5考试
1 准备考试Preparing for Exams
2 担心考试Worry about Exams
3 考试结果About the Test Results
4 英语能力测验English Proficiency Exam
5 谈论考试Talking about Exam
第四部分 PART
Career Life 职场生涯
Unit 1招聘人才
1 计划招聘Plan to Invite Applications
2 刊登招聘广告Advertising
3 浏览简历Scanning Resumes
4 准备面试Preparing for Interview
Unit 2求职面试
1 择业建议 Suggestions for Choosing a Career
2 准备应聘Get Ready for Interview 1953到达面试地点Arriving for the Interview
4 面试实况Live Examples
5 应聘者提问Asking about the Job
6 面试如何How Was Your Interview
Unit 3初进公司
1 如何去上班How to Get to Work
2 上班第一天The First Day at Work
3 办公设备Office Equipment
4 公司简介Company Introduction
5 公司运营Company Operations
6 纳税申报单Tax Return
Unit 4在办公室
1 振作士气Encouragement
2 年终考核 Bonus and Performance Review
3 关于人品Character Counts
Unit 5工资和奖金
1 奖励员工Employee Remands
2 第一份工资The First Pay
3 工资有误Mistakes in the Pay
Unit 6 特殊状况
1 请假申请Application for Leave
2 提起辞呈Giving Notice of Resignation
3 挽留员工Persuade the Employees
4 失业危机Unemployment Crisis
第五部分 PART
Travel & Traffic 旅行交通
Unit 1乘坐飞机
1 航班信息Flight Information
2 预订机票Order Tickets
3 确认机票Confirm
4 办理登机Check in
5 餐饮服务Meal Service
6 过境转机 In Transit and Changing Planes
Unit 2在海关
1 在移民入境处At the Imigration Office
2 海关检查Checking
3 海关常规问答 Common Questions and Answers
Unit 3旅游观光
1 旅行计划Travel Plans
2 为旅游作准备Preparing for Travel
3 城市游City Tour
4 自然景观游Natural Scenery Tour
5 植物园Garden
6 博物馆Museum
7 看艺术展Art Exhibition
Unit 4自然风光
1 桂林山水Scenery of Guilin
2 秀美西湖Beautiful West Lake
3 黄山四绝Four Wonders of Huangshan
4 “天涯海角”“Ends of the Earth”
5 九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley
6 浪漫夏威夷Romantic Hawaii
7 大峡谷The Grand Canyon
8 尼亚加拉大瀑布The Niagara Falls
9 威尼斯Venice
10 富士山Mt。Fuji
Unit 5名胜古迹
1 天安门Tiananmen Square
2 长城The Great Wall
3 故宫Palace Museum
4 颐和园The Summer Palace
5 The Shaolin Temple少林寺
6 孔庙The Confucius Temple
7 莫高窟The Magao Grottoes
8 秦兵马俑The Qin Dynasty Figures
9 特拉法加广场The Trafalgar Square
10 埃菲尔铁塔The Eiffel Tower
11 埃及金字塔Pyramids in Egypt
Unit 6城市观光
1 纽约之行A Trip to New York
2 伦敦之行A Trip to London
3 曼谷之行A Trip to Bangkok
4 哥本哈根之行A Trip to Copenhagen
5 悉尼之行A Trip to Sydney
6 加尔各答之行A Trip to Calcutta
7 多伦多之行A Trip to Toronto
8 赫尔辛基之行A Trip to Helsinki
9 布鲁塞尔之行A Trip to Brussels
10 鹿特丹之行A Trip to Rotterdam
11 上海之行A Trip to Shanghai
12 香港之行A Trip to Hong Kong343Unit 7 特殊状况
1 手提袋遗失Lost Handbag
2 护照遗失Lost Passport
3 失物求助Lost and Found
4 遭遇抢劫Get Snatched
Unit 8汽车
1 租车问价Asking about the Price
2 开车旅行Motoring Travel
3 在路上On the Road
4 开车问路Asking the Way
5 违反交通法规Violating the Traffic Laws
第六部分 PART
Emotion World 情感世界
Unit 1 爱情婚姻
1 坠入爱河Fall in Love
2 求婚Proposed Marriage
3 婚礼Wedding
4 参加婚礼Going to Wedding 3735怀孕Pregnant
6 漂亮宝贝Pretty Baby
7 丈夫不忠Disloyal Husband
Unit 2 情感表达
1 兴奋Excitement
2 悲伤Sorrow
3 担心Worry
4 生气Upset
5 安慰Comfort
6 嫉妒Jealousy
7 体谅Understanding
8 祝贺Congratulations
第七部分 PART
Business English 商务英语
Unit 1商务贸易
1 询盘Inquiry
2 报盘Offers
3 订货Order
4 付款Payment
5 包装Packing
6 装运Shipment
7 通关Customs Clearance
8 保险Insurance
9 索赔Claim
1 0仲裁Arbitration
Unit 2商务谈判
1 合资企业Joint Venture
2 价格谈判Negotiation on Price
3 招标投标谈判Calling for Bids and Bidding
4 技术转让谈判Transfer the Technology
5 合同谈判Contract
Unit 3商务会议
1 会议筹备Preparation for a Meeting
2 取消会议Canceling a Meeting
3 提出方案Proposing Solutions
4 方案比较Comparing Proposals
5 赞成与反对Agreeing and Disagreeing
6 结束会议Concluding a Meeting
Unit 4 商务战略
1 公司注册Registering a Company
2 展销会Trade Fair
3 新产品发布会Product Launch
4 记者招待会Press Conference
5 产品简报Making a Product Presentation
6 市场开发Developing New Markets
7 商业广告Business Advertisement
Unit 5商务礼仪
1 会客准备 Preparations for Meeting a Buyer
2 客户接待Receiving Customers
3 参观工厂Visiting a Company
4 商业午餐Business Lunches
5 带客观光Sightseeing
6 海外出差Overseas Trip
第八部分 PART
Professional English 行业英语
Unit 1银行业务
1 存款Making Deposits
2 取款Withdrawing
3 购买旅行支票 Purchase some Travelers Checks
4 支票兑现 Cash a Check
5 货币兑换Exchange Money
6 信用卡Credit Card
7 综合业务Integrated Servies
8 咨询服务 Consultant Services
Unit 2 邮局业务
1 出售邮票Selling Stamps
2 水陆邮件业务Surface Mail Service
3 航空邮件业务Airmail Service
4 快件业务Express Mail Service
5 邮寄包裹Parcel Post
Unit 3 餐馆
1 订座Booking Seats
2 安排就座Seating the Guest
3 点菜Taking orders
4 席间服务Serving Dishes
5 顾客投诉Guest Complaints
Unit 4宾馆
1 接受预订Accepting Reservation
2 登记住宿Registration
3 带客进房Showing a Guest to the Room
4 客房服务Room Service
5 洗衣服务Laundry Service
6 唤醒服务A Morning Call Service
7 投诉服务Complaining of Service
8 结账离店Checking Out

