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  “每天读点好英文”系列升级版是专为有提高英文水平需要和兴趣的年轻朋友们量身打造的一套“超级学习版”双语读物,此套图书在选取优美文章的同事,附有较强的学习功能。 “美文欣赏”、“词汇笔记”、“小试身手”“短语家族”将是阅读《每天读点好英文:如果坠落时也有星光》的提升重点,这就真正形成了一个初学者的学习体系——记忆单词、学习语法、运用词组、实践运用,不愁英语功底学习得不扎实。
  The Windmill
  爱德华·凡尔拉莱·卢卡斯 / Edward Verrall Lucas
  Chance recently made me for a while the tenant of a windmill. Not to live in, and unhappily not to grind corn in, but to visit as the mood arose, and see the ships in the harbour from the topmost window, and look down on the sheep and the green world all around. For this mill stands high and white so white, indeed, that when there is a thunder-cloud behind it, it seems a thing of polished aluminium.
  From its windows you can see four other mills, all like itself, idle, and one merely a ruin and one with only two sweeps left. But just over the next range of hills, out of sight, to the northeast, is a windmill that still merrilygoes, and about five miles away to the northwest is another also active; so that things are not quite so bad hereabouts as in many parts of the country, where the good breezes blow altogetherin vain…
  Thinking over the losses which England has had forced upon her by steam and the ingenuity of the engineer, one is disposed to count the decay of the windmill among the first. Perhaps in the matter of pure picturesqueness the most serious thing that ever happened to England was the discovery of galvanizediron roofing; but, after all, there was never anything but quiet and rich and comfortable beauty about red roofs, whereas the living windmill is not only beautiful but romantic too: a willing, man-serving creature, yoked to the elements, a whirling monster, often a thing of terror. No one can stand very near the crashing sweeps of a windmill in half a gale without a tightening of the heart feeling comparable to that which comes from watching the waves break over a wall in a storm. And to be within the mill at such a time is to know something of sound’s very sources; it is the cave of noise itself. No doubt there are dens of hammeringenergy which are more shattering, but the noise of a windmill is largely natural, the product of wood striving with the good sou’wester; it fills the ears rather than assaults them. The effect, moreover, is by no means lessened by the absence of the wind itself and the silent nonchalance of the miller and his man, who move about in the midst of this appalling racket with the quiet efficiency of vergers.
  In my mill, of course, there is no such uproar; nothing but the occasional shaking of the cross-pieces of the idle sails. Everything is still; and the pity of it is that everything is in almost perfect order for the day’s work. The mill one day some score years ago was full of life; the next, and ever after, mute and lifeless, like a stream frozen in a night or the palace in Tennyson’s ballad of the “Sleeping Beauty”. There is no decay merely inanition. One or two of the apple-wood
  cogs have been broken from the great wheel; a few floor planks have
  been rotted; but that is all. A week’s overhauling would put everything right but it will never come. And the cheerful winds that once were to drive a thousand English mills so happily now bustle over the Channel in vain.
Comprehend Mystery of Wisdom
·失去灵魂的风车 爱德华·凡尔拉莱·卢卡斯
The Windmill Edward Verrall Lucas
·世界永无止境 布鲁斯·迈舍尔
World Without End Bruce Marshall
·月亮的智慧 佚名
Lesson from the Moon Anonymous
·富有生命的一棵树 沃尔特·惠特曼
The Lesson of a Tree Walter Whitman
·与书为友 塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯
Companionship of Books Samuel Smiles
·赞美的力量 戴尔·卡耐基
How to Make People Like You Instantly Dale Carnegie
·心灵的语言 戴尔·卡耐基
A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression Dale Carnegie
·人性的弱点 詹姆斯·艾伦
Man is the Causer of His Circumstances James Allen
·确定目标 阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒
Confirm the Goal of Movement Alfred Adler
·师之道 约翰·斯坦贝克
What Makes a Teacher John Steinbeck
·专注是一种能力 乔治·埃勒迪斯·里德尔
Concentration George Allardice Riddell
·生命的开始 罗宾德拉纳德·泰戈尔
The Beginning Rabindranath Tagore
·容颜与人生 弗朗西斯·帕金森·凯丝
Face and Fortune Frances Parkinson Keyes
·伟大与渺小 约翰·博因顿·普里斯特利
Random Thoughts John Boynton Priestley
·勤劳的蚯蚓 佚名
The Earthworm Anonymous
·人生游戏五只球 布莱恩·戴森
Good Thoughts to Keep in Mind Bryan Dyson
·活在当下 理查德·卡里森
Learn to Live in the Present Moment Richard Carison
·自律才有自由 佚名
Self-control Anonymous
·机遇创造未来 佚名
Opportunity Anonymous
·时间因稀而贵 佚名
The Value of Time Anonymous
·感恩是生活的大智慧 佚名
Be Grateful to Life Anonymous
·在微尘与浮梁之上 威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆
On the Motes and Beams William Somerset Maugham
·关于绅士的定义 斯蒂芬森
The Definition of a Gentleman E.S.Stephenson
·你生命中的那些人 布赖恩·A
A Reason, Season, or Lifetime Bryan·A
·有关“建议”的故事 佚名
A Word on Advice Anonymous
·窗外的芙蓉树 佚名
The Trees outside My Window Anonymous
Enjoy the Sound of Happiness
·你会懂得 佚名
After a While... Anonymous
·自信的力量 佚名
Confidence Anonymous
·喜欢自己更多一点 佚名
Liking Yourself More Anonymous
·坚定自信地表达自己 佚名
Self-assertion Anonymous
·忙碌的意义 佚名
Importance of Being Busy Anonymous
·效利用时间 佚名
Importance of Time Anonymous
·变化激发创造力 佚名
Variety Fuels Creativity Anonymous 151·心灵独白 佚名A Proposal to Myself Anonymous
·和自己沟通 佚名
Power of Self-talk Anonymous
·每日必省 佚名
Something Worth Thinking About Anonymous
·追忆逝去的美好 佚名
Try to Remember the Good Things Anonymous
·喜悦的能力 查理·爱德华·蒙太古
The Faculty of Delight Charles Edward Montague
·给生活的建议 佚名
Instructions for Life Anonymous
·读懂智慧 佚名
Word of Wisdom Anonymous
·你应知道的智慧箴言 佚名
Moving Thoughts Anonymous
·将鱼放生 佚名
Catch of a Lifetime Anonymous
·生活的定义 佚名
Life Anonymous
·生活课堂的智慧小语 佚名
A Lesson in Life Anonymous
·成功人生离不开思考 佚名
For Success in Life Anonymous
·意志力为你导航 塞隆·Q.迪蒙
Concentration Finds the Way Theron Q. Dumont
·在不幸中成长 詹姆斯·艾伦
The Lesson of Evil James Allen
·理想的归属 塞隆·Q.迪蒙
Ideals Theron Q. Dumont
·真理属于所有人 罗宾德拉纳德·泰戈尔
Truth Is for Everyone Rabindranath Tagore
·像自由一样美丽 沃尔特·惠特曼
Freedom Walter Whitman
·青春常在 威廉·赫兹里特
On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth William Hazlitt
Grasp the Law of Success
The Fork in the Road Florence scovel Shinn
·思想的守望者 佛罗伦萨·斯高伏尔·西恩
The Watchman at the Gate Florence Scovel Shinn
·门 C.D.莫利
On Doors C. D. Morley
·梦想成就未来 卡洛
Dreams are the Stuff of Life Carroll
·写批注——读书的最好方法 佚名
To Mark a Book Anonymous
·向自己要时间 戴尔·特纳
How to Find Time Dale Turner
·快乐人生要远离自负 尔德斯·赫胥黎
Learning to Get Out of the Way Aldous Huxley
·聚焦快乐 佚名
Focus on the Joy Anonymous
·放飞自由的思想和心灵 佚名
Jackie Robinson Anonymous
·招待自己的灵魂 佩吉·伍德
Two Commandments are Enough Peggy Wood
·你有充足时间来阅读 路易斯·绍尔斯
How to Find Time to Read Louis Shores
·不要漠视自己的健康 H. 马丁
Health H. Martin
You Give Too Much for Your Whistle Benjamin Franklin
You Never Really Lose Your Value Anonymous

