The Future Belongs to You,Young Men
希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton),美利坚合众国第67任国务卿,是美利坚合众国第42任总统克林顿的夫人。
这篇演讲还针对美国在国际政治、经济、外交中所遇到的问题提出了“公民外交”的新概念和“相互依赖”的合作理念,大力支持和倡导年轻人在全球范围内参与公益事业和志愿服务等,反映了本届美国政府立志变革、推动社会创新的政策理念,具有很强的时代感,值得我们认真思考和借鉴。for one of the great universities in the world in the home of New York Yankees? Nothing could be better.And thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor.I didnt realize that was permitted in Yankee Stadium.
Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony.As I look out at this huge crowd of graduates,family,and friends,I can only reflect on what an extraordinary moment in history you are receiving your degrees,a moment in time of our country and the world where your talents and your energy,your passion and commitment is more needed than ever.There is no doubt that you are well prepared for a world that seems somewhat uncertain but which will welcome the education that you have received on behalf of not only of yourselves and your families,but your communities and your country.
As Secretary of State,I am well aware of the challenges that we face.You,as new graduates,and your generation will be up against those challenges:climate change and hunger,extreme poverty and extreme ideologies,new diseases and nuclear proliferation.But I am absolutely convinced that you and we are up to the task.There is no problem we face here in America or around the world that will not yield to human effort,to cooperation,to positive interdependence that makes clear humanity is going on,our challenges are ones that summon the best of us,and we will make the world better tomorrow than it is today.