Keep Walking in Sunshine
Years of storms had taken their toll on the oldwindmill. Its wheel, rusted and fallen, lay silently inthe lush bluegrass. Its once animated silhouette wasnow a tall motionless steeple in the twilight sun.
I hadn’t walked across our old farm in fifteenyears. Yet the sensations came flooding back. I couldsmell the freshness of new mown alfalfa. I couldfeel the ping of the ice-cold summer rain, and thesun’s sudden warmth on my wet shoulders when itreappeared after a brisk July thunderstorm.
Rain or shine, I used to walk this path each dayto see Grace. She always made me smile, even afterSis and I had just had a big squabble. I would helpGrace with her chores. Then we would visit over agenerous helping of her delicious homemade chocolatecookies and ice cream. Being confined to a wheelchair didn’t stop Grace from being a fabulous cook.
Grace gave me two of the greatest gifts I’ve everreceived. First, she taught me how to read. She alsotaught me that when I forgave Sis for our squabbles, itmeant I wouldn’t keep feeling like a victim. Instead, Iwould feel sunny.
Mr. Norton, the local banker, tried to forecloseon Grace’s house and land after her husband passedaway. Thanks to Pa and Uncle Tony, Grace could keepeverything. Pa said that it was the least he could dofor someone talented enough to teach me to read!
Soon folks were coming from miles around tobuy Grace’s homemade cakes, pies, breads, cookies,cider, and ice cream. Mark, the grocery store man,came each week to stock his shelves and bring Gracesupplies.
Grace even had me take a big apple pie to Mr.Norton who became one of her best customers andfriends. That’s just how Grace was. She could turnanyone into a friend!
Grace always said, “Dear, keep walking insunshine!” No matter how terrible my day started, Ialways felt sunny walking home from Grace’s house —even beneath the winter starlight.
I arrived at Grace’s house today just after sunset.An ambulance had stopped a few feet from her door,its red lights flashing. When I ran into the old house,Grace recognized me right away.
She smiled at me with her unforgettabletwinkling blue eyes. She was almost out of breathwhen she reached out and softly touched my arm.Her last words to me were “Dear, keep walking insunshine!”
I’m sure that Grace is walking in the brightestsunshine she’s ever seen. And, I’m sure that sheheard every word I read at her memorial service. Ichose a beautiful verse by Leo Buscaglia. It’s one thatGrace taught me to read many years ago…
“Love can never grow old. Locks may lose theirbrown and gold. Cheeks may fade and hollow grow.But the hearts that love will know, never winter’s frostand chill, summer’s warmth is in them still.”
silhouetten. 轮廓;剪影
squabble n. 口角,争吵
foreclose v.取消(抵押品的)赎回权
memorialadj. 纪念的;追悼的
我已经有15 年没有步行穿过我们的农场了。然而,昔日的感觉如潮水般涌来。我仿佛又闻到了刚割下苜蓿的清新味道,感受到了夏日冰冷的雨滴敲打在身上,还有七月迅疾的雷雨后,太阳重现天际时,让我被打湿的肩膀瞬间便能感到温暖。