道可道非常道 Ways may be spoken of as dao, but they are not the eternal ao;
名可名非常名 Names may be cited as names, but they are not the eternal name.
无名天地之始 Nameless is the beginning of Heaven and Earth;
有名万物之母 Named is the Mother of all things.
故 Thus,
常无欲以观其妙 Through eternal Nonbeing, one observes its mystery;
常有欲以观其徼 Through eternal Being, one observes its manifestations.
此两者同出而異名 The two have the same origin but differ in names;
同谓之玄 Both may be called profound.
玄之又玄 Profound and still more profound
众妙之门 Is the gateway to all mysteries.
You don’t have to know Chinese to see the character 道 (pronounced d3o) occurring three times in the very frst line of the chapter. The etymology of the word, as many scholars have pointed out, suggests a “path,” “road,”“pathway” or simply “way” leading to a place. But by the time the book known as Laozi was written, the word had already been used by thinkers of different stripes to refer to an ill-defined but all-encompassing, higher order. Apparently Laozi was reacting to both meanings of the character in contemporary use. At the same time he must also be aware of a derivative usage of 道 as a verb meaning “to speak of.” English translators ave adopted two different strategies to convey the metaphysical sense of the word 道: one by borrowing the biblical use of “the Way” as in “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) and the other by borrowing the Chinese word, originally spelt as Tao according to the Wade-Giles system of Romanization (hence Taoism and Taoist) and now as Dao (hence Daoism and Daoist) in the Pinyin system. The present translation tries to honor the long-since naturalized word Tao or Dao in the English language while acknowledging the more physical sense of “way” or “ways” as well as the verbal derivative, “to speak of.” Thus, the frst of the three 道 refers to the various “ways” proposed by Laozi’s contemporary thinkers to fx the social malaise of the time; the second 道 takes on the verbal meaning of “to speak of” or, more specifcally, “to speak of something as dao”; and the third 道 refers to the eternal Dao.