List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Research Background
1.2 Theoretical Development
1.3 Purpose of tlle Study
1.4 Data and Methodology
1.5 Book Overview
Chapter 2 Approaches to Verbal Interaction
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Defining Interview
2.2.1 Deftnitions
2.2.2 Features of television interview programmes
2.3 The Sociological Approache Conversation Analysis
2.3.1 Introduction and historical background
2.3.2 Conversational mechanism:turn taking,adjacency pairs,and preferences
2.3.3 CA in the research of interview discourse
2.3.4 Limitations of CA
2.4 Sociolinguistic Approaches
2.4.1 Ethnography of speaking
2.4.2 Interactional sociOlinguistics
2.5 Logico—philosophic Approaches
2.5.1 Speech Act Theory
2.5.2 Pragmatics approaches
2.6 Structural—functional Approach:The Birmingham School
2.7 Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA)
2.8 Summary
Chapter 3 An Overview of Systemic Functional Linguistics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Three Layers of Meanings:Ideational,Textual and Interpersonal
3.3 Context in the Systemic Model
3.3.1 Context of culture:genre
3.3.2 Context of situation:register
3.3.3 Tenor and social identity
3.3.4 Tenor and grammatical,semantic,discourse and genenc patterns
3.4 Application of SFL to Conversation
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Grammatical Realizations of Interpersonal Meanings in the Television Interview
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Definitions to the E1ements of the Systems of Mood
4.2.1 Mood classes
4.2.2 Constituents of a clause
4.2.3 Mood types
4.3 Studies on Status.Contact and Affect
4.4 Status.Contact and Affect in Television Interviews
4.4.1 Status,Contact and Affect in the openings
4.4.2 Status.Contact and Affect in the main part
4.4.3 Status.Contact and Affect in the closings
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5 Realizations of Attitudinal Meanings in the Television Interview
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Appraisal:an Overview
5.2.1 Attitude Affect Judgement Appreciation
5.2.2 Graduation F0rce FoCUS
5.2.3 Engagement
5.3 Appraisal in the Interview Data
5.3.1 Attitude and Graduation Expressing Attitude explicitly and implicitly Grading explicit Attitude Appraisal preferences of the IR and IEs
5.3.2 Engagement
5.3.3 Interaction of Appraisal Resources
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 The Discourse Structure of the Telvision
6.1 Introduction
6.2 A Functional.semantic Model of Dialogue
6.2.1 Halliday’S model
6.2.2 Development of Halliday’S model
6.3 Interpreting Discourse Structure in the Television Interview
6.3.1 Discourse structure in the opening phase
6.3.2 Discourse structure in the main body phase Supporting exchange patterns Confronting exchange patterns Evasive exchange patterns
6.3.3 Discourse structure in the closing phase
6 4 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusions
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Major Research Findings
7.2.1 Contributions of tlle studv
7.2.2 Major research findings
7.3 Some Implications
7.4 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix A:Data List
Appendix B:Coding Sheet for Appraisal in King’S Interview with Andre Agassi
Appendix C:Coding Sheet for Speech Functions in King’S Interview with Andre Agassi