Percy Bysshe Shelley (August 4, 1792 -July, 1822) was one of the major EnglishRomantic poets and is critically regardedamong the finest lyric poets in the Englishlanguage. Shelley was famous for hisassociation with John Keats and Lord Byron.The novelist Mary Shelley was his secondwife. He is most famous for such classicanthology verse works as Ozymandias, Odeto the West Wind, To a Skylark, and TheMasque of Anarchy, which are among themost popular and critically acclaimed poemsin the English language.
In 1813, at age 21 Shelley "printed"his first major poem, Queen Mab. He setthe press and ran 250 copies of this radicaland revolutionary tract. Queen Mab wasinfused with scientific language andnaturalizing moral prescriptions for anoppressed humanity in an industrializingworld. He intended the poem to be privateand distributed it among his close friendsand acquaintances.