Eliminate Inner Obstacles
佚名 / Anonymous
Think back to a time in your life when you felt inspired and excited to make a significant change. Did you go for it or did your inner obstacles get in the way?
Your thoughts and beliefs are the foundation on which you build your success. You can’ t build a solid house on a foundation of clay and debris, and the same truth holds for your success.
If your thoughts and beliefs are shaky, these internal obstacles will hold you back unless you eliminate them.
To succeed at overcoming obstacles you need to have the gut not to quit, but to see things through, to have the strong faith to believe more in yourself than in the obstacles and to have the willingness to do what it takes to turn the obstacles around.
This means, you need to stand up to your obstacles and believe you can overcome them. When you attack your obstacles and do something about them, you’ll find that they are not as threatening as they appeared to be at first.
Decide that you will not give up and if something has to give, it will have to be the obstacles and not you.
Standing up to your obstacles imparts you with a sense of accomplishment and reinforces the sense of your inner power. By developing a habit of facing resistance, you instill into your psyche a strong message of endurance and success. This strengthens the faith and the belief in yourself, which helps remind you of the responsibility to yourself.
Sometimes you may have to resort to some other measures to overcome obstacles. If you can’t get through the problem, try going around it, and if you can’t go around it, try getting under it, and if you can’t get under it, try going over it, and if you can’t go over it, just dive straight into it.
1. To succeed overcoming obstacles you to have the gut not to quit, but to see things through, to have the faith to believe more in than in the obstacles and to have the willingness to do it takes to turn the obstacles around.
2. you attack your obstacles and do something about , you’ll find that
they are not as threatening as they appeared to be at .
1. 你的思想和信仰是你成功的基础。
2. 你必须勇敢地抵抗自身的障碍,要相信自己一定能征服。
3. 如果一定要有一方让步的话,那一定是障碍,而不是你。
1. Think back to a time in your life when you felt inspired and excited to make a significant change.
think back:回想
2. Standing up to your obstacles imparts you with a sense of accomplishment and reinforces the sense of your inner power.
stand up to:与……对抗;勇敢地面对
Don’t Fear Failure
佚名 / Anonymous
Many career experts tout failure as the castor oil of success. The idea isn’t to fling yourself into certain disaster in order to be mystically rewarded with triumph. Rather, it’s a simple recognition that people who willingly risk failure and learn from loss have the best chance of succeeding at whatever they try.
Oh, you’ve had minor reverses in school or love, but you haven’t failed meaningfully. Never fear, says Amitai Etzioni, professor of socioeconomics at George Washington University: “Everyone gets a chance. No one lives a failure-proof life forever.”Failure is easy to recognize. “It usually involves loss of money, self-esteem or status,” says Carole Hyatt, co-author of When Smart People Fail. At the very least, it is simply not getting what you want.
Not that rational people should wish for calamity, says Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, but a stiff dose of misfortune is often a painfully effective tutor. It “teaches you something about your strength and acquaints you with your limitations.” Notes Kushner. “That’s an important part of maturity.”
People who profit from loss are the kind of foot soldiers business leaders seek, “Continuous success builds arrogance and complacency,” says multibillionaire industrialist H. Ross Perot. “I want people who love the battlefield, people willing to go to the war.” That includes making honest mistakes. Unsuccessful people, he adds, instinctively avoid risks even when a smart gamble might pay off. “You learn a great deal more from what doesn’t work than from what does.” Failure, he says, is merely the cost of seeking new challenge.If the thought of fouling up paralyzes you, here are several helpful suggestions:1. Stop using the “F” word. High achievers, rarely refer to “failure”, a loaded word suggesting a personal dead end. They prefer “glitch”, “bollix” or “course correction.”
2. Don’t take it personally.
When things go sour, do you instinctively label yourself a loser? The language you use to describe yourself can become a powerful reality. Repeatedly calling yourself an unemployed salesperson not only labels you as out of work—synonymous with failure in our society—it considers yourself someone “with options”. Those opinions include taking classes to develop new skills or bravely striking out on another career.
3.Be prepared.
Help insulate yourself by mapping a catastrophe plan. Ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen? Imagining loss of job or spouse can force you to clearly consider practical alternatives. Do you have enough insurance and cash reserves to carry you through a difficult period? Do you have talents that could bring in an income if your employer handed you a pink slip? Keep in mind that the Chinese ideogram for “crisis” consists of the characters for both “danger” and “opportunity”.
4.Learn to fail intelligently.
Jack Matson, a University of Houston professor, developed a course his students dubbed “Failure 101”. Matson had his class build ice-cream-stick mock-ups of products no one would buy. “They designed hamster hot tubs and kites to fly in hurricanes,” says Matson.
The ideas were ridiculous, but once Matson’s students equated failure with innovation instead of defeat, they felt free to try anything. Since most students had at least five failures before finding their business niche, they learned not to take failure as the last word, says Matson. “They learned to reload and get ready to shoot again.”
5.Never say die.
Early’s Harrisonburg, construction company went belly up in 1975. Then only 25, Early borrowed on his home rather than declare bankruptcy. He continued to work in construction, trying to master the intricacies of management. In 1982, he “got nervy enough” to borrow more to start his own business again, having built a solid reputation with banks for getting through difficult times.
Early expanded his new construction business cautiously. He took college courses in business administration. By 1988, Early’s company made Inc. magazine’s list of the 500 fastest-growing privately owned companies.
Early is not complacent. Memories of hard times haunt him. “I can’t afford to get arrogant about success,” he says, “So I’m always trying to improve my business.”
华盛顿大学的社会经济学教授阿米塔伊·埃茨奥尼说:“永远不要害怕,人人都有一次机会,没有谁会一生都失败。”意识到失败是很容易的事。《当聪明的人失败时》一书的合著者卡罗莱·海厄特说:“通常,失败 会伴随着金钱、自尊或身份地位的损失而出现。”至少,失败的结果是不能得到你想要的。
《当不幸降临在好人身上时》的作者罗比·哈罗德·库沙尔说,并不是说理智的人应该盼望灾难的 降临,但是巨大的挫折往往是痛苦的深刻教训。它“能让你知道自己的长处,了解自己的短处”。 库沙尔写道:“经历挫折是成长过程中的重要一课。”
从失败中汲取教训的人才是企业领导青睐的对象。拥有亿万资产的实业家H. 罗斯·佩罗特说:“不断的成功助长自大、自满之情。我想要那些喜欢战场,愿意斗争的人才。”这其中包括犯诚实的错误。H.罗斯·佩罗特又补充说:“失败者本能地避开冒险,即使是面对形势较好的投机机会时也是如此。你从失败中学到的东西,要比从成功中学到的东西多得多。”他说:“失败仅仅是在寻找 新的挑战时所付出的代价。”
1. 停止使用“失败”一词。
有较高成就的人很少提到“失败”二字,因为使用这个沉重的词说明这个人无法再继续发展。他们 更喜欢“小麻烦”、“改正方针”等词。
2. 不要因失败而沮丧。
当事情进展不顺利时,你是否本能地为自己贴上了“失败者”的标签?你评价自己的语言可以变成 一种有力的现实。一次又一次地称自己是位尚未被雇用的售货员,而不应说自己失业了——也就是你在社会生活中的失败——这样说,你就可以认为自己是“拥有选择权”的人。你可以选择参加学习班来培养新的技能,或者勇敢地选择从事另一个行业。
3. 做好准备。
危机” 一词的词义包含两方面:“危险”与“机遇”。
4. 学会聪明地失败。
5. 永不言弃。
1975年,厄尔利的Harrisonburg 建筑公司破产了。那时25岁的他向家人借钱维持经营,而并没有宣布破产。他继续做建筑工作,努力掌握管理上的复杂关系。1982年,他厚着脸皮又借了更多的钱来重新开办自己的公司,并于困难时期在银行中留下了良好的口碑。厄尔利谨慎地扩大了自己新建筑公司的规模。他还去学校学习商业管理课程。1988年,厄尔利的公司被《Inc.》杂志评为世界发展最快的500家企业之一。厄尔利没有自满,他时常会想起那段艰难的日子。他说:“我不因成功而自满,所以我总在努力发展我的事业。”
1. Oh, you’ve had reverses in school or love, but you haven’t meaningfully. Never fear, says Amitai Etzioni, professor of socioeconomics at George Washington University: “Everyone gets a . No lives a failure-proof life forever.”
2. People who profit from are the kind of foot soldiers business leaders seek, “Continuous success arrogance and complacency,” says multibillionaire industrialist H. Ross Perot. “I want people who love the battlefield, people willing to go to the .”
1. 他们能够欣然接受失败,并从失败中懂得:无论尝试什么,都是成功的最好机会。
2. 永远不要害怕,人人都有一次机会,没有谁会一生都失败。
3. 失败仅仅是在寻找新的挑战时所付出的代价。
1. People who profit from loss are the kind of foot soldiers business leaders seek...
profit from:得益于;利用
2. Those opinions include taking classes to develop new skills or bravely striking out
on another career.
strike out:想出;删去