That is not impolite in China. Nobody means offensive.<br> Shaking Hands<br> The Western-style shaking of hands is now a common social behavior. Chinesepeople do not give hugs to each other frequently. A male stranger who tries to hug to alady will probably be screamed at, but it is accepted and a custom for a lady to give ahug to another lady even they are strangers to each other when they first meet. It is notcommon for men to hug each other. It is safe to offer to shake hands with a stranger.<br> Social Gatherings<br> Social gatherings such as parties, suburb traveling, dancing and other socialactivities in China are usually divided along age lines. It is unusual for someone to joina gathering of another age group. Age groups have different preferences. People in theirfifties and sixties like old revolutionary songs or music from the war against Japan in the1940s. The young love pop songs, love songs, and cartoons. The old and middle-agedpeople love classical things and reading, while the young love Internet talking andsatirizing readings.<br> The old and the young do not gather together not only because they prefer differentthings but also because a lot of old people thought it is ridiculous to gather together withthe young.