He based his persuasive reasoning on two books which a Missis-sippi clergyman of some erudition had brought to his attention. Thefirst was Philip Gosse, an English writer, who argued simply thatthere were fossils, yes, and there were dinosaur bones, and therewere geological strata, and everything was exactly as Darwin andthe geologists described it. The secret was that in the year 4004 B.C. God had created the world exactly as Genesis said, and had hid-den all these bits of evidence in the rocks and in the dinosaur bonesas a kind of temptation to mans intellectual presumptions. Gosseexplained everything in such simple and beautiful terms that Strabis-mus said, No further discussion is necessary. The record is exactlywhat the atheistic professors at Yale say. It has to be, because Godplaced it there on the day of Creation.
The second book was extremely useful when arguing with peo-ple from the universities who had a smattering of knowledge. It wasGeorge McCready Prices The New Geology, which Marcia Strabis-mus sold for ten dollars a copy, to those who sought the truth. Itwas a formidable essay, well founded in scientific jargon and difficultto rebut. Its major thesis appealed to all who suffered from thetyranny of science, and when Strabismus translated this into hisown terms it made a persuasive argument:
‘These here scientists try to tell us that fossils found in rocksalways grow from primitive forms to complex forms like you andme. And to prove this they show us that the primitive forms alwaysappear in the earliest rocks, and the complex forms in later rocks.But how do they date the layers of rock? You stop right now and tellme how they date the layers of rock.