Frederick Douglass(February 14, 1818-February 20, 1895) wasone of the foremost leaders of the abolitionist movement, whichfought to end slavery within the United States in the decades prior tothe Civil War. He was also a womens suffragist, editor, orator, au-thor, statesman and reformer.
As a brilliant speaker, Douglass was asked by the American An-ti-Slavery Society to engage in a tour of lectures, and so became rec-ognized as one of Americas first great black speakers. Douglassserved as an adviser to President Abraham Lincoln during the CivilWar and fought for the adoption of constitutional amendments thatguaranteed voting rights and other civil liberties for blacks. Douglassprovided a powerful voice for human rights during this period of A-merican history and is still revered today for his contributions againstracial injustice. He was a firm believer in the equality of all people,whether black, female, native American, or recent immigrant. Hewas fond of saying,"I would unite with anybody to do right and withnobody to do wrong. "
Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, who later becameknown as Frederick Douglass, was born a slave in Talbot County,Maryland, near Hillsboro. Douglass first unsuccessfully tried to es-cape from Mr.