Two cultures in philosophy In summary,I have made two historical claims for Continental philosophy:it is a professional self-description and it is a cultural feature.As a selfdescription,Continental philosophy is a necessary but perhaps transitory-eviI of the professionalization of the discipline.As a cultural feature,Continental philosophy goes back at least to the!time 0f Mill.and what can be learned from his views is that the division between philosophical traditions is the expression of a conflict(and moreover a sectarian conflict)that is internal toEnglishnessand not a aeographical opposition between the English-speaking world and the Continent.As such,the gulf between analytic and Continental philosophy is the expression of a deep cultural divide between differing and opposed habits of thought-lets call them Benthamite and C0leridgean,or empirical-scientific and hermeneutic-romantic.Mill’s deeper point is that the philosophical and cultural truth of matters,whatever that might be。is not to be found by choosing sides。and thereby mistaking a part for the whole.Rather,in Hegel’s words,the true is the whole,and the whole has to be understood in its systematic movement and historical development.This book is hopefully a contribution to such understanding.It is my belief that much of the hostility and suspicion shown by analytic philosophers to Continental philosophy takes place because these two claims-professional and cultural-are unhelpfully conflated and sides are chosen.But this hostility is not always one-sided.
第一章 知识与智慧的鸿沟
第二章 欧陆哲学的起源:如何从康德走向德国唯心论
第三章 视物的眼镜和眼睛:哲学中的两种文化
第四章 哲学可以改变世界吗?批判、实践、解放
第五章 怎么办?如何回应虚无主义
第六章 有关误解的案例研究:海德格尔与卡纳普
第七章 科学主义与蒙昧主义的对立:避免传统的哲学困境
第八章 运用你自己的理性:理论的枯竭和哲学的前景