Pampinea answered him cheerfully, just as if she hadlikewise banished all her own cares:<br> "You are perfectly right, Dioneo. We should live infestive style,as that is the only reason why we fled from allthat misery. But things which lack measure will not last long.Therefore, having started the conversation that led to such afine group being set up,I now suggest that for the sake ofcontinuing our happiness it will be necessary for us to agreeon one person to be the commander among us, whom wemay honour and obey as our superior, and who will takespecial care to ensure that we live joyfully. And in order thateach of us in turn may feel the burden of care and thepleasure of command, and spend some time as a leaderand some time as a follower (which will prevent anyonefrom feeling jealous through being excluded from authority) ,I suggest that each person be given the burden and thehonour for one day. Let our first chief be chosen by electionamong us all. As to who follows next, let it be the man orwoman that it pleases the governor of the day to appoint, asthe evening hour draws near. And let each leader in turn, athis or her discretion, order and arrange the place andmanner in which we are to live, for such time as his or herauthority lasts."Pampineas words pleased everyoneenormously,and with one voice they elected her chief of thefirst day. Filomena ran quickly to a laurel-tree-for she hadoften heard about the honour due to the leaves of this plant,and how worthy of honour they made anyone who wasdeservedly crowned with them. Plucking some sprays oflaurel from the tree, she made Pampinea a splendid andhonourable wreath.This laurel wreath,placed on.