So those are some of the roles you might find yourselfplaying at various times in your life. But, Im sure someof you are wondering what happens when there is asituation that arises which could be handled in, uh,different ways, depending upon which role you decide toact out. Understand what I mean? Well, let me give you acouple of examples. I know many of you have part-time jobs. Well, have thereever been cases where your job has conflicted withschool? Probably. For example, assume that a studenthas a part-time job at a restaurant. His boss tells him tocome to work at three the next day, but the student hasclass at that time. So, which role does he play——that ofthe student or employee? Hes conflicted. His choice willbe determined by which role he chooses for himself.Heres another example. Perhaps one of my colleagueslives close by the school, which is very convenient sincehe has a wife and, oh, two young children. Suddenly,he gets a better job offer from a university thirty milesaway. He could vastly improve his career prospects bytaking the job, but hed be home less often. Hes got arole conflict, right? Does he choose the role of father oremployee?