When you sit alone introspecting in the quiet of late night, you will first,from the bottom your heart,perceive the disap- pearance of the distracting thougilts and then the appearance of the true character.Every time at this moment you will be re- ioiced to find that you have comprehended the real meaning of life.But when you are aware that the true character is not in a position to take the place of the distracting thoughts,you will feel quite ashamed of yourself.
It always follows that when people are hungry and frustra- ted they tend to go and live as dependents on others,but as soon as they have adequate food and clothing they will slip away from their benefactors to distant places.And also it follows that when people meet the rich and powerful they tend to fawn on them, but as soon as they become declining they will fling off at once.All these are the common failings of human nature.
When the wind rages and the rain pours down,even the birds and beasts are caught in tragedy.But when the sun comes out shining and the wind turns mild,the very grasses and trees are all immersed in delightfulness.Thus it can be seen that in Nature-not a single day could pass peacefully unless celestial and terrestrial forces go in harmony;and in the world of men- not a single day could be spent well if people are deprived of happy mood.