26.Gong工 Musicians in ancient China.
27.GOH-lan勾栏 See“Wa-she”.
28.Gu瞽High rankingblindmusicianintheZhoudynasty.
29.Gu-chui Shu鼓吹属Drum and wind music bureau.
30.Gu-ren鼓人MusiciansintheZhoudynasty,whoplayed drums and four kinds of bronze instruments:Chun(錞), Zhuo(镯),Nao(铙),and Duo(铎).
32.Guo.1i Bei-ping Yi.shu Zhuan-ke Xue-xiao国立北平艺术 专科学校 Beijing state owned school of arts.
33.Guo-yue Gai-jin She国乐改进社Society forthe devel- opment of national music.
34.Guo-yue She国乐社National music club.
35.Hua-dan花旦Young female role with a frivolous and vivacious character.
36.Hua-hui花会 Flower meeting,a folk dance festival popular in Hebei province.