The Modern Financial Research Center of SUFE,Modern Financial Research Center (the Center) of SUFE was founded in October 20(11 as a reorganized result of the former Financial Scientific Research Institutions of SUFE. The Centers objective is to develop into a first-class national research base oriented toward the level of a famous international base, focusing on modern financial theory,policy research, academic exchanges, information technology and consulting service. By the international financial standing of Shanghai municipal and the comprehensive advantages of SUFE, the Center will strive to build itself into a generally acknowledged and authorilative research institution to probe into the major issues of financial frontier through unitlngwilh other academic research institulions and gathering specialists and scholars who desirc to do detailed financial research work. Up to now, the Center has been successively sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education of China. Shanghai Municipal Philosophy and Social Science, he Ministry of Finance of China, Shanghai Education Committee and elc.. Many of its research results have won prizes at the national or the provincial and ministerial level. Some of them have drawn thc attentions of foreign peers, and their authors have received invitations to attend the international conferences and pubtished their articles in the overseas journals.The Center will adjust itself to adapt to the new situation and continue to create its own specialty in the new financial environment.
上海财经大学金融学院于1998年8月在原财务金融学院、万泰国际投资学院、证券期货学院和国际商学院的基础上合并组建。现设有银行系、国际金融系、证券期货系(学院)和保险系。学院拥有博士、硕士和学士学位授予权,现任院长为黄明教授。金融学院现有金融学、保险学、信用管理、金融数学和金融工程四个博士:专业,金融学、保险学、金融数学与金融工程、信用管理四个硕士专业,金融学、保险学,信用管理、金融工程学四个本科专心。金融学专业为上海市重点学科。学院还下设金融工程研究中心、信用管理研究中心、证券研究中心、保险精算研究中心、金融保险研究所、中韩保险交流中心和金融科学实验事等科研机构。金融学院与多所海外大学以及世界银行、国际货币基金组织等金融机构建立了教学,研究和培训等合作关系,承担了国家自然科学基金、国家社科基金、教育邮、财政部、中国人民银行,中国证监会、中国保监会等机构的研究和教育培训项目,是中国最重要的金融人才培养基地之一 。
The School of Finance of SUFE School of Finance was established in Augusl 1998 as a result of themerging process among the former four schools. The new school has fourdepartments: Banking, International Finance, Securities and Future,Jnsurance.It offers Ph.D., Master and Bachelor degrees. Professor Huang Ming isthe current Deml of the school.
There are four Ph.D. Programs: Finance, Insurance. Credit Management.Malhematical Finance and Financial Engineering; four master programs:Finance, Insurance, Credit Management, Mathematical Finance and Financial Engineering; lbur undergraduate programs: Finance, Insurance,Credit Management, Financial Engineering. The Finance program is the Shanghai Municipal Key Program. There are several scientific researchinstitutions including Research Centers ftlr Financial Engineering, Credit Management, Securities, Insurance Actuarial, Finance & Insurance, China-Korca Insurance Co,operation and the Laboratory of Financial Sciencc.
The School of Finance has established cooperative relationship withmany overseas univcrsities, the World Bank,IMF and some other financialinstitutions in the teaching, research and training programs. It has also underlaken research projects and training programs from National Natural ScienceFoundation of China. National Social Science Foundation of China, the Ministry,of Education of China, the Ministry of Finance of China, the Peoples Bankof China, Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission, Chinese Insurance Regulatory Commission and so on. The School of Finance has become animportant training base for the Chinese financial.