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    吴文智, 杨一兰主编
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    A Mother Knows
    琳恩·鲁斯·米勒 / Lynn Ruth Miller

Not all women who have children are mothers. You can tell a true mother by the penetrating look in her eye. A mother always knows everything about you. Absolutely everything.
I had such a mother. I could hide nothing from her. When I would walk into the house after pigging out on chocolate cake at the neighbor's, she would glance at me and say,
"How many times do I have to tell you not to eat between meals? No dessert for you tonight, young lady."
I looked at her, dumbfounded: How could she see across the street and through the walls of my friend's house, while she was cleaning the bathroom floor?
"How did you know that?" I asked, wiping crumbs from my chin.
"A mother always knows," she said."I can read your forehead. Hand me the Bon Ami. I see a fingerprint on the doorknob. "
When I would race into the house from school, my eyes popping like a choked fish, my mother would simply point to the bathroom door. "How did you know I had to go?" I asked, as I galloped to the toilet with my legs twisted like a pretzel.
My mother would shrug. "I read it on your forehead."
When I got a bit older, her forehead reading became truly remarkable. I could hide absolutely nothing from that woman's penetrating gaze. I would come home from a date, and my mother would scowl ominously.
"Do you know what time it is?" she'd say. "Men don't marry fast girls. "
"We were only holding hands, for God's sake," I lied, rubbing my chafed mouth.
"You can't fool me, Lynn Ruth," said my mother."I can read the whole vulgar story on your forehead. Put some lotion on your face, or you'll look like a raw tomato tomorrow. "
Her amazing knowledge of things she could not see sharpened the farther away I was from home. I arrived at college my freshman year, disoriented and lonesome for the very place I had denounced as a suffocating prison a few hours before. As I settled down on the dormitory bed for a good cry, my mother walked in the door.
"You forgot your pillow," she said and handed me the very one I had used the night before.
I had done my own packing and had shut the door to my room when we left the house to drive to Ann Arbor. My mother was so nearsighted she couldn't see products on the supermarket shelf without her glasses. How could she possibly make out the print on a forehead 60 miles away? Apparently, my mother could also hear the thoughts rattling around in my brain, for she then answered my unspoken question.
"A mother always knows. "she said. "I also brought you some brownies and Rosemary
Clooney's latest record release. "
In my late twenties, I was in a terrible automobile accident. By that time, I had graduated from college and moved out of my mother's house. One night my mother,  who always retired promptly at 10:00 with a potboiler novel and a glass of warm milk, decided to watch the 11 o'clock news. She saw a stretcher move across the screen,  the body on it flat as a pile of magazines except for two tremendous feet protruding from the sheet. My mother sat up and shook my father awake.
"Get dressed," she said. "We need to get to the hospital. That's Lynn Ruth. "
Time did not diminish my mother's amazing intuition. In fact, it became sharper as I grew older. When I married, she read my impending divorce right through my bridal veil.
When I began my job search, she knew the results of my interviews before I received the rejection letters. After I'd moved across the country, I sustained serious injuries from a random violent assault. I returned from the hospital with stitches and bruises all over my body. As I staggered into my bedroom, the telephone rang. It was my mother.
"Lynn Ruth, " she said. "Tell me what happened."
She knew.
Five years later my mother succumbed to cancer. Although I called her every night, I did not go to her until my urge to see her suddenly overwhelmed me. I flew home the next day. She was so small I could barely locate her among the pillows, sheets, and instruments keeping her alive. She held out her wasted arms to embrace me.
"Oh, Lynne," she whispered. "How did you guess how much I wanted you here?"
"I read it on your forehead. " I said through my tears.
"In California?" asked my mother.
I realized then that all women have mothers, but only a few are lucky enough to become daughters in time. I hugged my mother and said,"A daughter always knows."

    时间没有减弱母亲惊人的直觉。事实上,随着我的年龄的增长,她的这种直觉也越来越敏锐。我结 婚时,她透过我的婚纱就读出了我很快就会离婚。我开始找工作时,她在我收到拒绝信之前就知道 了我面试的结果。在我搬到另一个城市后,我在一起街头暴力事件中受了重伤,我带着全身的针缝伤口和淤青从医院回到了家。在我摇摇晃晃地走进卧室时,电话响了,是母亲。
    "我从您的脑门上读到的。" 我流着泪说。

    1. I looked at her, dumbfounded:  could she see across the street and through the walls of my friend's house, she was cleaning the bathroom floor?
    2. My mother was so nearsighted she couldn't see products on the supermarket without her glasses. How could she make out the print on a forehead sixty away?
    3. Five years  my mother succumbed to cancer. Although I called her every night, I did not go to her until my urge to see her overwhelmed me. I flew home the day.

    1. 一位母亲通常知道所有关于你的事,绝对是每一件事。
    2. 当我在宿舍的床上收拾好准备大哭一场时,母亲进来了。
    3. 我开始找工作时,她在我收到拒绝信之前就知道了我面试的结果。

    1. How could she possibly make out the print on a forehead 60 miles away?
    make out:辨别出;理解
    2. ...the body on it flat as a pile of magazines except for two tremendous feet protruding from the sheet.
    except for:除了……以外


Chapter 1
你一辈子的妈妈Your Mother All the Life
佚名 / Anonymous
爸爸忘记了Father Forgets
佚名 / Anonymous
妈妈总是知道A Mother Knows
琳恩·鲁斯·米勒 / Lynn Ruth Miller
她留下了一团糟She Left a Mess Behind
杰儿·W.马努斯 / Jaye W. Manus
女儿上学了Sending Kids Off to School
苏珊·尤尼 / Susan Union
谁是你的天使Who Will Be Your Angel
佚名 / Anonymous
与父亲共舞A Dance with Dad
佚名 / Anonymous
你所记得的你的孩子All You Remember 
戴比·法墨 / Debbie Farmer
爱,在花朵里绽放Love in Bloom 
佚名 / Anonymous
栀子花开Mystery of the White Gardenia
佚名 / Anonymous
爱你千遍也不厌倦Precious Legacy 
瑞·古德 / Ron Gold
一段小夜曲A Little Night Music 
嘉丽·霍华德 / Carrie Howard
女儿,再见My Allie 
桑迪·基恩·谢尔顿 / Sandi Kahn Shelton
爱在无语时Words from a Father 
佚名 / Anonymous

Chapter 2
母亲教给我的东西Things My Mother Taught Me 
瓦蕾丽·斯马特 / Valerie Smart
父亲的教诲Things My Father Taught Me
佚名 / Anonymous
新妈妈New Mom
佚名 / Anonymous
生日的承诺The Birthday Promise
安妮·卡特  / Anne Carter
黄昏时分Twilight Time
苏珊·福塞特 / Susan Fawcett
亲爱的母亲Dear Mom
克丽斯汀·古尔德 / Christine Goold
父亲的吻Dad's Kiss
佚名 / Anonymous
妈妈,我爱你Tell Mommy I Love Her
佚名 / Anonymous
胜利者The Winner
佚名 / Anonymous
那份爱,让我永生难忘A Dad Who Truly Cares
里克·赖利 / Rick Reilly

Chapter 3
女儿结婚了Father of the Bride
佚名 / Anonymous
女儿的午餐袋What My Daughter Taught Me about Love
罗伯特·富尔古姆 / Robert Fulghum
爱能持续到永远Love Can Last Forever
佚名 / Anonymous
爱的礼物A Gift of Love
佚名 / Anonymous
追梦少年A Boy with a Mission
佚名 / Anonymous
苏珊·B. 威尔逊 / Susan B. Wilson
鸽子的奇迹Abigail's Dove   
卡伦·马约里o加里森 / Karen Majoris Garrison
我最思念的人My Most Unforgettable Character 
佚名 / Anonymous
面团"项链"The Necklace
格洛丽亚·吉文斯 / Gloria Givens
令人感动的礼物A Father's Gift from a Daughter
雷蒙德·L. 莫尔黑德 / Raymond L. Morehead
你是我的阳光My Father's Shadow
琳达·钦·斯莱奇 / Linda Ching Sledge
双重悲伤Double Sadness 
玛莎·鲁塞尔·徐 / Martha Russell Hsu


