The family of Dashwood had long been settled in the
largeSussex, and their residence was at Norland Park, in the centre oftheir property, where, for many generations, they had lived in sorespectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of theirsurrounding acquaintances. The late owner of this estate was a sin-gle man, who lived to a very advanced age, and who for many yearsof his life, had a constant companion and housekeeper in his sister.But her death, which happened ten years before his own, produceda great alteration in his home; for to supply her loss, he invitedand received into his house the family of his nephew, Mr. HenryDashwood, the legal inheritor of the Norland estate, and the personto whom he intended to give all his fortune and property to. In thesociety of his nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentle-mans days were comfortably spent.
By a former marriage, Mr. Henry Dashwood had one son: byhis present lady, three daughters. The son, a steady respectableyoung man, was amply provided for by the fortune of his mother,which had been large. By his own marriage, likewise, he added tohis wealth.
To him therefore the succession to the Norland estate was notso really important as to his sisters; for their fortune, independentof what might arise to them from their father s inheriting that prop-erty, could be but small. Their mother had nothing, and their fatheronly seven thousand pounds in his own disposal; for the remainderof his first wifes fortune was also secured to her child, and he hadonly a life-interest in it.
The old gentleman died: his will was read, and like almost ev-ery other will, gave as much disappointment as pleasure. He wasneither unjust or ungrateful to his nephew, Mr. Henry Dashwood,but left him the property with specific instructions that it must bepassed down to his son, who had already a great fortune. Dashwoodhad wished for it more for the sake of his wife and daughters thanfor himself or his son. He now had no way to provide for his wifeand daughters, those who were most dear to him, and who weredesperately in need of a fortune.
The old gentleman meant not to be unkind, however, and, as amark of his affection for the three girls, he left them a thousandpounds a-piece. Mr. Dashwoods disappointment was, at first, se-vere; but his temper was cheerful and hopeful he would somehowbe able to provide his daughters with some fortune. Unexpectedly,however, he died less than a year after the old gentleman; and tenthousand pounds, including the late legacies, was all that remainedfor his widow and daughters.
Mr. John Dashwood, his son, had not the strong feelings of therest of the family; but he was affected by a recommendation madeby his father to care for his fathers wife and daughters, promisingto do every thing in his power to make them comfortable. His fatherwas rendered easy by such an assurance, and. Mr. John Dashwoodhad then leisure to consider how much there might prudently be inhis power to do for them.
——何其莘(北京外国语大学副校长 博士生导师)