从1895 年美国《书商》杂志开启“按销量排序的图书目录”,美国的“畅销书”至今已有百年发展史,其间荣登年度榜的图书达上千册。
本系列所选的畅销书都历经淘洗,至今光彩斐然,甚具代表性。成功类的书籍诸如《白手起家的商人给儿子的信》、《罗斯福总统给子女的信》和《如何度过一天的24 小时》;文学类的书籍众多,包括赫赫有名的《马克·吐温自传》,开创了美国西部牛仔小说先河的《弗吉尼亚人》,反映纽约上层社会生活的《纯真年代》,表现女性自我探索的《满溢之杯》,讲述一战之后生死与重建的《贫穷的聪明人》,扣人心弦、探求正义的《公平与不公平》,文字优美、充满真挚情感的爱情小说《百分之一的机会》和表现纽约曼哈顿贫民区生活的《明确的目标:纽约爱情故事》等;此外还有文化类书籍——世界史研究界几乎无人不知的H. G. 威尔斯的《历史的概要(世界史纲)》。每本读来都会有不一样的收获,可以满足读者对不同类型书籍的偏好。
凯瑟琳的作品不仅风靡英国,在美国也取得很大成功。她最著名的作品是《戴假面具的人》(The Masquerader),《赌徒》在1904、1905年都处在纽约畅销榜上。《赌徒》是她继《戴假面具的人》之后第二本登上美国畅销榜的图书。
The funeral over, Milbanke walked back from Carrigmore alone。 The servants who had followed their master to his resting-place in the oldgraveyard had remained in the village to enjoy the importance that the occasion lent them; young Asshlin had disappeared at the conclusion of the burial service; while the daughters and sister-in-law of the dead man -in accordance with the custom of the country - had remained secluded in their own rooms at Orristown, appearing neither at the breakfast nor the funeral。 In a house of death the hours that succeed the burial are, if possible,even more melancholy than those that precede it。 The sensations of awe and responsibility have been dispersed, but as yet it is impossible toresume the commonplace routine of life。 As Milhanke passed through the gateway and walked up the drive, ploughed into new furrows by the longprocession of cars that had followed the coffin, he was deeply sensitive to this impression; and if fell upon him afresh with a chill of desolation as heentered the door, still standing open, and moved slowly across the desertedhall。