First of all, taking science courses is a waste of money for students with a different major. For students whomajor in humanities and social science, science classes require students paying more money forunnecessary courses. In the university, students choose subjects they want to study, and they pay for theirchosen courses. Therefore, if students participate in science courses, they have to pay for the courses.However, for some students, it is a waste of money. No matter what courses students take, all courses arequite expensive because classes need professors and facilities. Moreover, many students depend onstudent loans to pay tuition, and those students have to pay back the loan after graduation. Therefore, ifstudents have to pay for mandatory science classes they have no interest in, it is very unfair. Students havethe burden to pay back the money they had to spend on something they never wanted.Second, some students will be at a disadvantage if they take the science classes. Students, who are notmajoring in science are obviously not good at science subjects. Therefore, it will be a great burden forstudents to study them. Moreover, some students who are in great need scholarships but are not good atscience will have trouble. Since they are not good at science, they may fail the exams in science courses.Then, some students may lose their scholarships or have to take the course again next year to meetgraduation requirements. Additionally, if students have to study science, which they do not major in,students have to put a lot of effort into science because it is very hard for them to understand the subject.Therefore, in order not to get bad grades in science, students focus more on science but neglect other majorsubjects. As a result, his or her overall grades may get lowered. Low grades may prevent students fromgetting a good job after graduation.