·工作不是生活的全部<br />Work is not all your life<br />·对准“焦点”,工作不累<br />Point at the Focus, work will not be tired<br />·与纸同乐,3D纸模<br />Playing molded<br />·打开电脑的问候语<br />Computer's greeting<br />·在办公室喝绿茶<br />Drink green tea in the office<br />·丢脸不是一两次<br />Fool of myself for many times<br />·20个让老板无法拒绝的请假(迟到)借口<br />20 excuse to ask for leave that the boss can’t refuse<br />·要么有深度,要么有趣,要么安静<br />Deep thinking, interesting or quiet<br />·杧果的斯文吃法<br />The gentle way of eating mango<br />·有了零食好办公<br />Snacking in the office<br />·主题飙歌会<br />KTV theme activities<br />·去学习唱歌吧<br />Learn singing songs<br />·不要“坚持”,要“活动”<br />Don’t get stuck with a lemon, be activity<br />·趁现在还来得及不后悔<br />Do not regret it from now on<br />·上班路上听英语<br />Listening to English on the way to work<br />·气味<br />Smell<br />·清理你的办公桌<br />Clean up your desk<br />·诗歌也励志<br />Poetry is also inspirational<br />·极品老板也是人<br />Metamorphosis boss is also human<br />·人都是逼出来的<br />People are forced out<br />·痛苦是件礼物<br />Pain is a gift<br />·在你最难的时候,帮到你的一句话<br />A sentence helps you in your most difficult time<br />·心理医生是管用的<br />Psychiatrist is helpful<br />·“即使世道艰难,也要呼吸顺畅”<br />Even if the hand is hard, it also must breathe easier<br />·一大早被闹钟吵醒,说明还活着<br />Awakened early in the morning by the<br />alarm indicates that we are still alive<br />·电吹风吹脚心<br />We can blow arch using an electric hair drier<br />·选择职业,找到支撑你的方向和兴趣<br />Find your direction and your interest which will support you<br />·给流浪的小动物们喂食<br />Feed stray animal<br />·去LIVE HOUSE听现场<br />Go to live house<br />·客厅私人健身房<br />2 Private gym room<br />·小哑铃,大作用<br />Small dumbbell, major role<br />·神仙抓<br />God catch<br />·像猪一样在地上打个滚<br />Rolling on the ground like a pig<br />·下班去学弗拉门戈<br />Learn flamenco after work<br />·像趣多多饼干一样快乐<br />As happy as Quduoduo biscuits<br />·没有人知道你是天才,包括你自己<br />Nobody knows you are a genius, including yourself<br />·你说不好话,是因为你太想把它说好<br />It because you urgently want to say a mouthful<br />so that you can not speak well<br />·声音好听,职场好混<br />If you have a nice voice, you feel just like a<br />fish in water in the working world<br />·“喝掉”一冰箱的橙子<br />Drink all oranges off in refrigerator<br />·直视老板的眼睛<br />Look in the eye of the boss<br />·可以批评,但不要责怪和羞辱你的下属<br />With criticism instead of blame and humiliation<br />·香奈儿小黑裙<br />Chanel little black dress<br />·偶尔穿得性感一点<br />Sexy dress occasionally<br />·去爬山吧<br />Climb mountains<br />·如果你想换工作<br />If you want to change jobs<br />·打一会儿坐<br />Za-zen<br />·大便当盒装饭,小便当盒装汤<br />Lunch box<br />·在办公室里修行<br />Practice Buddhism in the office<br />·读一点佛<br />Read the Buddha<br />·禅修夏令营<br />Meditation summer camp<br />·在太极中获得宁静<br />Get quiet in the Tai Chi<br />·放得下,才睡得好<br />Let bygones be bygones<br />·不管你做什么,都无法满足每个人,所以,做自己就好了<br />Just be yourself<br />·经典短篇阅读<br />Classic short stories<br />·我爱酸奶,酸奶爱我<br />I love yogurt, yogurt loves me<br />·记住新认识的朋友的样子和名字<br />Remember the names and faces of new friends<br />·在公司年会上表演魔术<br />Performing magic in the company's annual meeting<br />·参加“工作坊”<br />Participate in workshop<br />·愉悦地接受变化<br />Accept the changes with pleasure<br />·肚皮舞——让身体更性感<br />4 Belly dance makes you more sexy<br />·舒缓你的“键盘手”<br />Relieve your keyboard hands<br />·花的姿态<br />Flower gesture<br />·要马上去为父母做的10件事<br />There are 10 things to do for your parents immediately<br />·化妆是为了让自己感觉更好<br />Make-up is to make yourself feel better<br />·那些母亲教过的礼仪<br />Etiquette that mother taught<br />·有机农夫市集<br />Organic Farmers Market<br />·能把白衬衣穿出味道的人,都是自信的人<br />People wearing white shirt are confident<br />·回家去吃一顿妈妈做的饭<br />Dining with mom at home<br />·你害怕坐飞机吗?<br />Are you afraid to take a plane?<br />·中午和同事踢毽子<br />Kicking shuttlecock colleagues<br />·与其制订太多计划,不如实现一个是一个<br />It is better to pull off plans one by one<br />·睡前瑜伽<br />Yoga before bedtime<br />·就算世界末日是真的<br />Even if the end of the world is true<br />·做人呢,最要紧的就是开心<br />The most important thing for you is fun<br />·每周去游一次泳,把自己放进水里<br />Swimming once a week<br />·稳定的心<br />Stable heart<br />·你的身体需要坚果<br />Your body needs nuts<br />·仰望星空<br />Looking at the stars<br />·冬天看侯孝贤<br />Watch Hou Hsiao-hsien's movie in winter<br />·到最具服务性质的地方去打一次工<br />Do a part-time job in most service industries<br />·上一堂哈佛大学教授的“积极心理学课”<br />Positive psychology class at Harvard University<br />·分清“想要”和“需要”,保卫你的钱包<br />Distinguish "wants" and "need" to defend your wallet<br />·“我实在是一个孤独的旅客”——爱因斯坦<br />"I really was a lonely traveler" , Albert Einstein<br />·再说一遍,坚决不熬夜了<br />Once again, determined not to stay up late<br />·希望你拥有更美好的生活<br />I hope you have a better life