CSS三剑客之务实之剑。囊括上百个CSS实际案例,全面改善Web设计可用性。阐释IE7、Mozilla Firefox独特行为,查找实用设计技巧,解决Web设计实际问题。
“《CSS Cookbook中文版(第2版)》全书都是针对CSS设计中常常碰到的疑难杂症提出各种实用性解决方案。在CSS的学习过程中结合领会这些精妙的方法对于节约时间少走弯路大有裨益。”
——Dave Shea,《The Zen of CSS Design》(中文版为《CSS禅意花园》)的作者
节省时间,快速解决问题,这是《css Cookbook中文版(第2版)》带给读者最大的惊喜。新版本为CSS初学者和高级开发人员增加了更多篇幅,提出了精辟的建议,传授了大量技巧,为读者在现实生活中做出最好的设计起到了抛砖引玉的作用。
针对那些在每一个项目中碰到的再普通不过的问题,《CSS Cookbook中文版(第2版)》列举了大量详细的例子,并且每一例都穿插了可以随时取用的代码。为了方便读者参考和展开讨论,本书以一种易于快速查找的方式安排各章节,每一节都附有一段总结性的讨论说明。因此,您可以充分利用这种模式按照个人需求检索内容。
在Adobe Dreamweaver和Microsoft Expression Web Design中使用CSS
当您需要使用hack或偏方修补那些令人头疼的浏览器bug时,翻一翻《CSS Cookbook中文版(第2版)》吧。本书收集了大量有用代码,相信它能帮助您解决数以百计关于样式表的疑难问题。
Book Description
As the industry standard method for enriching the presentation of HTML-based web pages, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allow you to give web pages more structure and a more sophisticated look. But first, you have to get past CSS theory and resolve real-world problems.
For those all-too-common dilemmas that crop up with each project, CSS Cookbook provides hundreds of practical examples with CSS code recipes that you can use immediately to format your web pages. Arranged in a quick-lookup format for easy reference, the second edition has been updated to explain the unique behavior of the latest browsers: Microsofts IE 7 and Mozillas Firefox 1.5. Also, the book has been expanded to cover the interaction of CSS and images and now includes more recipes for beginning CSS users. The explanation that accompanies each recipe enables you to customize the formatting for your specific needs. With topics that range from basic web typography and page layout to techniques for formatting lists, forms, and tables, this book is a must-have companion, regardless of your experience with Cascading Style Sheets.